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  1. (1中国农业大学昆虫系, 北京 100193; 2全国农业技术推广服务中心, 北京 100125; 3北京出入境检验检疫局, 北京 100026; 4柳州市农业技术推广中心, 广西柳州 545002)
  • 出版日期:2017-08-10 发布日期:2017-08-10

The influences of wind speed on pollenmediated gene flow from transgenic cotton.

YAN Shuo1,2, ZHU Jia-lin1,3, ZHU Wei-long1,4, QIN Meng2, LIU Hui2, ZHAO Shou-qi2, WANG Lu2, ZHANG Jing1, ZHANG Qing-wen1, LIU Xiao-xia1*   

  • Online:2017-08-10 Published:2017-08-10

摘要: 在转基因作物全球商业化推广的20年间,公众对基因漂移生态安全问题的关注持续升温。本试验以转基因双价棉SGK321(Cry1-Ac/CpTI)为花粉供体,常规棉“石远321”和“中棉35”为花粉授体,借助PCR和蛋白检测技术,研究温室中3种风速(0.54、0.92和1.27 m·s-1)条件下的Cry1-Ac基因漂移频率。结果表明:“石远321”作为花粉受体时,基因漂移频率受风速影响,低风速下最高,高风速下最低;“中棉35”作为花粉授体时,基因漂移频率整体较低,不受风速影响;基因漂移频率与所选择的花粉受体品种有关,“石远321”(转基因棉亲本)(10.63%)作为花粉受体时基因漂移频率高于“中棉35”(2.50%);转基因棉花基因漂移频率随着转基因作物种植区与非转基因作物之间距离的增加而下降。本试验为风介导的基因漂移的生态风险评估提供一定的理论参考。

关键词: 碱性磷酸酶, 土壤, 黄土高原, 蔗糖酶, 微生物生物量碳和氮, 脲酶

Abstract: The genetically modified (GM) crops have been globally commercially cultivated for 20 years, and public concerns are persistent overheating about ecological risk of gene flow. This study investigated the pollenmediated gene flow (PGF) frequency of Cry1Ac from transgenic cotton SGK321 (Cry1-Ac/CpTI) to nontransgenic cottons Shiyuan 321 and Zhongmian 35 under three wind conditions (0.54, 0.92 and 1.27 m·s-1) in greenhouses by PCR and Bt protein assays. Our results revealed that PGF varied depending on the wind speed when Shiyuan 321 was the pollen receptor, and was the highest under low speed wind and the lowest under high speed wind. With Zhongmian 35 as pollen receptor, PGF was very low, and not dependent on the wind speed. PGF depended on the variety of pollen receptors, and total PGF to pollen receptor of Shiyuan 321 (GM parental line) (10.63%) was higher than that of Zhongmian 35 (2.50%). PGF declined exponentially with increasing distance between GM cotton and nonGM receptors. Our research provided some reference for ecological safety assessment of windmediated gene flow.

Key words: urease activity, Loess Plateau, soil, alkaline phosphatase activity, microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, invertase activity