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生态学杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 1932-1939.doi: 10.13292/j.1000-4890.202209.022

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (内蒙古农业大学草原与资源环境学院, 内蒙古自治区土壤质量与养分资源重点实验室, 呼和浩特 010018)
  • 出版日期:2022-10-10 发布日期:2022-10-11

Effects of freeze-thaw on soil CO2 flux in different terrestrial ecosystems: A meta-analysis.

WANG Xu, LI Fei, ZHAO Shi-xiang*   

  1. (College of Grassland, Resources and Environment, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Soil Quality and Nutrient Resources, Hohhot 010018, China).

  • Online:2022-10-10 Published:2022-10-11

摘要: 冻融是高纬度、高海拔及部分温带地区普遍存在的一种自然现象。冻融可以显著改变冻融交替期土壤二氧化碳(CO2)排放通量。为全面了解不同陆地生态系统在冻融期CO2的排放规律,本研究利用文献调研方法对1990—2020年同行发表的37篇相关文献进行Meta分析,系统分析冻结温度和循环次数对农田、森林、湿地和草原4种生态系统土壤CO2排放的影响。结果显示:野外实地条件下,与未冻融处理相比,弱冻结条件下农田、森林和草原土壤CO2排放量分别增加了44.2%、25.5%和56.0%,而湿地生态系统土壤CO2排放量降低了10.1%,中冻结和强冻结对4种生态系统的土壤CO2排放速率均呈抑制作用;室内模拟条件下,除草原生态系统在中冻结外,不同冻融强度对4种生态系统土壤CO2排放量均有促进作用,平均增幅46.3%~272.5%。土壤CO2排放峰值出现在冻融作用初期,之后随着冻融交替次数的增加,土壤CO2排放速率逐渐降低至稳定水平。本分析结果有助于更好地了解不同生态系统土壤CO2排放对冻融的响应,为今后深入开展相关研究工作奠定基础。

关键词: 冻融, 碳排放, 二氧化碳, 生态系统, 荟萃分析

Abstract: Freeze-thaw is a natural phenomenon at high elevation and high latitude, as well as some temperate regions. Many studies have shown that soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emission flux is strongly influenced by freeze-thaw, indicating that soil CO2 emission during freeze-thaw period is non-negligible in annual CO2 emission. To better understanding the variations of CO2 emission among terrestrial ecosystems during the freeze-thaw period, the effects of freezing temperature and freeze-thaw cycles on farmland, forest, wetland and grassland ecosystems were analyzed by collecting data from 37 papers published from 1990 to 2020. Compared to non-freeze-thaw treatment in the field condition, soil CO2 emission under weak freeze-thaw treatment on farmland, forest, and grassland were increased by 44.2%, 25.5% and 56.0%, respectively, and was decreased by 10.1% in wetlands; while soil CO2 emissions of four types of ecosystems under medium and strong freeze-thaw conditions were inhibited. In the laboratory condition, soil COemissions of the four ecosystems were promoted, with an average increase of 46.3%-272.5% under different freeze-thaw intensities, except for grassland ecosystem under the medium freeze-thaw condition. The peak value of soil CO2 emission appeared at the early stage of freeze-thaw. After that, soil CO2 emission rate gradually decreased to a stable level with increasing frequency of freeze-thaw cycles. This study helps to better understand the responses of soil CO2 emissions from different ecosystems to freeze-thaw conditions and lays a foundation for further research.

Key words: freeze-thaw, carbon emission, carbon dioxide, ecosystem, meta-analysis.