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  1. (1北京林业大学自然保护区学院, 北京 100083;2南京大学生命科学学院, 南京 210089;3内蒙古大学环境与资源学院,呼和浩特 010021)
  • 出版日期:2018-04-10 发布日期:2018-04-10

Effects of water level on intra and inter specific relationships ofSpartina anglica and Scirpus triqueter

MU Ya-nan1, AN Shu-qing2, ZHI Ying-biao3, ZHANG Ming-xiang1, LI Hong-li1*   

  1. (1School of Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China; 2School of Life Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China; 3College of Environment and Resources, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010021, China).
  • Online:2018-04-10 Published:2018-04-10

摘要: 以外来克隆植物大米草和本土种藨草为研究对象,通过温室控制实验,人工模拟3种水位(基质表面积水5 cm,基质表面微积水0 cm及基质表面下5 cm处微排水)交叉5种定植模式(试验容器内分别为大米草2株、藨草2株、大米草4 株、藨草4株以及两物种各2株混种)的试验,研究水位对外来植物大米草和本土种藨草生长繁殖特性及种内种间关系的影响。结果表明:水位仅对大米草和藨草的根生物量及叶片数具有显著影响,而定植模式对两者的生长繁殖指标均有显著影响;大米草种间相对邻里效应指数均显著大于种内相对邻里系数,而藨草的种内和种间相对邻里系数无显著差异;由此推测,水位改变了大米草和藨草的种内种间关系,可以通过适当调节水位以及本土物种的恢复来有效控制大米草在中国海岸带的分布。

关键词: 养分, 连作土壤, Biolog法, 生物炭, 微生物多样性

Abstract: Tidal action can change the water level of marsh habitats, with consequence on plant growth and interspecific relationships. A controlled greenhouse experiment was carried out toexamine the effects of water level on the relationship between the alien, clonal speciesSpartina anglica and native speciesScirpus triqueter. Three water levels (flooding with 5 cm over substrate surface; flooding with 0 cm over substrate surface; drain away water from 5 cm under substrate surface) were crossed with five planting arrangements (two alien plants per pot, two native plants per pot, four alien plants per pot, four native plants per pot, four plants per pot with two alien and two native plants) to explore the effects of water level on inter and intra specific relationships ofS. anglica andS. triqueter. The results showed that water level had significant effects on root biomass and leaf number of S. anglica andS. triqueter. The planting pattern had significant effects on the growth and reproduction of both species. The inter and intraspecific relative neighborhood effect indices of both species were negative in all water levels. The intra specific relative neighborhood effect index of S. anglica was significantly higher than that at interspecific level. There was no significant difference between the inter and intra specific relative neighborhood effect indices ofS. triqueter. In conclusion, water level altered intra and inter specific relationships of S. anglica andS. triqueter. The distribution ofS. anglica could be effectively controlled by proper regulation of water level and restoration of native species in Chinese coastal zone.

Key words: biochar, continuous cropping soil, Biolog method, microbial diversity, nutrition