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  1. (中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所, 哈尔滨 150070)
  • 出版日期:2019-06-10 发布日期:2019-06-10

Assessment of the population resources of Coregonus ussuriensis in the middle reaches of Amur River.

WANG Ji-long, LIU Wei*, LU Wan-qiao, LI Pei-lun, TANG Fu-jiang   

  1. (Heilongjiang River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Harbin 150070, China).
  • Online:2019-06-10 Published:2019-06-10

摘要: 为了解乌苏里白鲑资源状况,2013—2017年在黑龙江中游水域的7个调查点采集了953尾乌苏里白鲑(Coregonus ussuriensis Berg)样本。叉长范围为148~588 mm,体重范围为109.0~2854.9 g。根据体长股分析法(LCA)评估了乌苏里白鲑资源量,采用Berverton-Holt动态综合模型预测资源变化趋势。结果表明:乌苏里白鲑种群自然死亡系数、总死亡系数和捕捞死亡系数分别为0.284 a-1、0.476 a-1和0.192 a-1,当前的开发率为0.403;乌苏里白鲑的年均资源尾数为6.89×106尾,年均资源量为5463.89 t,初始资源量6867.07 t;从相对单位补充量渔获量和生物量来看,目前乌苏里白鲑渔业资源利用较为充分,尚未过度捕捞;人为因素导致栖息环境条件的恶化是乌苏里白鲑资源下降的主要原因;为了乌苏里白鲑资源的可持续利用,需采取必要措施减轻人类活动对鱼类的影响,如栖息地修复,增加开捕(体)叉长等。

关键词: 盐碱地, 土壤改良, 生长, 玉米, 腐植酸

Abstract: To obtain an understanding of the resource status of Coregonus ussuriensis, 953 samples were collected at seven stations located in the middle reaches of Amur River basin in 2013-2017. The range of fork length and body weight was 148-588 mm and 109.0-2854.9 g, respectively. Stock biomass was estimated by lengthbased cohort analysis (LCA), while population dynamics was evaluated by BevertonHolt dynamic model. The results showed that the natural mortality coefficient, total mortality coefficient, and fishing mortality coefficient was 0.284 a-1,0.476 a-1 and 0.192 a-1, respectively. The current exploitation rate was 0.403. The average stock number and biomass of C. ussuriensis in the middle reaches of Amur River was 6.89×106 individuals and 5463.89 t, respectively. The initial stock biomass was 6867.07 t. Results from the analysis of relative yield per recruit and biomass per recruit showed that the exploitation of C. ussuriensis resources is relatively sufficient, with no overfishing. Population decline of C. ussuriensis was mainly attributed to anthropogenic deterioration of habitat. To achieve sustainable utilization of C. ussuriensis resources and mitigate the impacts of human activities on fish stocks, regulation of harvest needs to be implemented, such as habitat restoration, increasing minimum length limits and so on.

Key words: saline-alkali soil, humic acid, growth, soil improvement, maize