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  1. 1河南董寨国家级自然保护区管理局, 河南信阳 464236; 2中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所, 国家林业局森林保护学重点实验室, 北京 100091)
  • 出版日期:2016-11-10 发布日期:2016-11-10

Acclimation of captive Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon) before reintroduction in Dongzhai of Henan Province.

HUANG Zhi-xue1, WANG Ke1, CAI De-jing1, ZHU Wen-ping1, PAN Xiao-yan1, LIU Dong-ping2*#br#   

  1. (1Henan Dongzhai National Nature Reserve Administration, Xinyang 464236, Henan, China; 2 Key Open Laboratory of Forest Protection of State Forestry Administration Research, Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China).
  • Online:2016-11-10 Published:2016-11-10

摘要: 2013年3—10月在河南董寨模拟野生环境的大网笼中对34只人工饲养朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)进行了再引入释放前的野化训练。野化朱鹮在一周内快速地将飞行能力提升到野生朱鹮的水平,在10 d内夜宿环境由地面至栖杠最后过渡到树上。在觅食方面,朱鹮在2个月内完成了对不同类型觅食地的适应,遵循由旱地到湿地、由浅水至深水的顺序。野化个体对猛禽有天敌防御本能,警戒距离和惊飞距离分别约300和50 m;但对饲养管理人员表现出警戒缺失。野化网笼中配对朱鹮的离婚率高达66.7%,但朱鹮的配对繁殖时间越长,配对关系越稳定。有无育雏经验对繁殖成功率无显著影响,过高的营巢密度和其他鸟类的干扰是导致野化训练期间繁殖失败的主要原因。研究表明,饲养朱鹮经过2~3个月的野化训练,能够满足再引入释放的要求。进一步完善栖杠的搭建方式、投食策略和野化管理模式,可以提高朱鹮野化训练的效率。开展释放后监测,掌握朱鹮在野外的适应能力、存活率和繁殖成功率,有助于评估野化训练的成效。

关键词: 时空变化, 生态风险, 空间自相关, 景观格局, 地统计学特征

Abstract: Thirtyfour captive Crested Ibises (Nipponia nippon) were acclimatized in a large cage prior to release to the wild at Dongzhai National Nature Reserve of Henan Province from March to October, 2013. The captive Crested Ibises gained flying ability similar to wild ones within a week, and shifted nocturnal roost from ground to artificial roost bars, and finally to trees within 10 days. The ibises acclimatized a variety of foraging habitats in two months, stepwise from dry land to marsh, and from shallow water to deep water. The acclimated Crested Ibises had defense instinct against natural raptors, with the vigilance distance and flushing distance as 300 and 50 m respectively; but the ibises showed little vigilance against their care keepers. In the acclimating cage, 66.7% of the breeding pairs divorced. The longer a pair bred together, the more stable the pair bonded. Chick rearing experience had no significant influence on the reproductive success, and overcrowded nesting and frequent disturbance were the main factors resulting in the breeding failure of the ibises in the acclimating cage. The result indicated that captive Crested Ibises could be released to the wild after acclimation for 2-3 months. Improving acclimating management, such as roost bar construction and food supplementation, will enhance the acclimating efficiency. Post-release monitoring and evaluation on adaptability, survival rate and reproductive success are necessary to assess the acclimation efficiency.

Key words: landscape pattern, ecological risk, spatial auto-correlation., geostatistical feature, temporal and spatial change