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杨天伟1,2,张霁2,Jerzy FALANDYSZ3,Graz·yna KRASI-SKA3,Martyna SABA3,王元忠2**,刘鸿高1**   

  1. (1云南农业大学农学与生物技术学院, 昆明 650201; 2云南省农业科学院药用植物研究所, 昆明 650200; 3格但斯克大学, 波兰格但斯克 80-308)
  • 出版日期:2015-12-10 发布日期:2015-12-10

Mercury concentration in common Boletus fungi from Yunnan Province and ingestion safety assessment.

YANG Tian-wei1,2, ZHANG Ji2, Jerzy FALANDYSZ3, Graz·yna KRASI-SKA3, Martyna SABA3, WANG Yuan-zhong2**, LIU Hong-gao1**   

  1. (1College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China; 2Institute of Medicinal Plants, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650200, China; 3University of Gdansk, Gdansk 80-308, Poland)
  • Online:2015-12-10 Published:2015-12-10

摘要: 汞(Hg)是危害人类健康的主要重金属元素之一,多数食用菌对Hg有很强的富集能力,测定食用菌中Hg含量,并对其进行食用安全性评价具有重要意义。采用冷原子吸收直接测汞仪系统测定85份云南常见牛肝菌属真菌菌盖、菌柄中总Hg含量;以同一牛肝菌子实体菌盖与菌柄总Hg含量比(Q(C/S))分析牛肝菌属真菌对Hg的富集特征;根据联合国粮农组织和世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)现行每周Hg允许摄入量(provisional tolerable weekly intake, PTWI)标准和中国GB 2762—2012规定的食用菌中Hg限量标准评价样品的食用安全性。结果表明,菌盖和菌柄中总Hg含量分别在0.13~22.00、0.20~8.40 mg·kg-1 DW,不同产地、种类及不同采集年份的样品中总Hg含量存在明显差异;同一牛肝菌菌盖、菌柄总Hg含量比(Q(C/S))在0.28~4.08,92%的样品Q(C/S)>1,表明多数样品中菌盖对Hg的富集能力强于菌柄。根据GB 2762—2012规定的食用菌及其制品中总Hg含量限量标准(≤0.1 mg·kg-1),发现所有测试样品的总Hg含量均超标;根据PTWI标准,假设成年人(60 kg)每周食用300 g新鲜牛肝菌,则多数样品Hg摄入量低于允许摄入量,无安全风险,而少数样品Hg摄入量高于允许摄入量,食用有一定的潜在风险。同时,牛肝菌总Hg含量与种类、产地、采集时间等因素密切相关,采食及安全评价需综合考虑这些因素。

关键词: 绿洲荒漠, 蒸散, 土壤水分, 涡度相关

Abstract: Mercury (Hg) is one of the most harmful heavy metals to human. Many edible mushrooms accumulate considerable levels of Hg, and therefore it is necessary to determine and evaluate Hg content in edible mushrooms. The contents of total mercury were determined in caps and stipes of 85 bolete samples obtained from Yunnan by coldvapor atomic absorption spectroscopy and direct mercury analyzer. The Hg accumulation characteristics of the bolete mushrooms were analyzed according to the cap and stipe total Hg content ratio (Q(C/S)) of the samples from the same sites. The health safety of the samples was evaluated according to Hg provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) recommended by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) and the China national food safety standard maximum levels of contaminants in foods (GB 2762-2012). The results showed that the contents of total Hg in the caps and stipes were 0.13-22.00 mg·kg-1 dry weight (DW) and 0.20-8.40 mg·kg-1 DW, respectively. There were obvious differences in total Hg contents among different samples. The ratios of total Hg contents in the caps to that in the stipes (Q(C/S)) were 0.28-4.08, and 92% samples were higher than 1 in Q(C/S) value, which demonstrated that the Hg accumulation ability in caps was stronger than that in stipes in most samples. The contents of total Hg of all the test samples exceeded the standard of GB 2762-2012 (Hg≤0.1 mg·kg-1). According to the PTWI standard, if adults (60 kg) eat 300 g fresh bolete mushrooms a week, Hg intakes of most samples would be below the acceptable intakes without health risk, but the intakes in a few of samples were higher than the standard with a potential risk. The contents of total Hg in Boletus species were closely related to species, environment, acquisition time and other factors, so the ingestion and safety assessment of Boletus mushrooms should consider all these factors.

Key words: eddy covariance, soil moisture., oasis-desert, evapotranspiration