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  1. (1四川农业大学林学院生态林业研究所, 成都 611130; 2四川省林业生态工程重点实验室, 四川雅安 625014)
  • 出版日期:2014-10-10 发布日期:2014-10-10

Plant diversity and soil physicochemical properties under different aged Pinus massoniana plantations.

CUI Ning-jie1, ZHANG Dan-ju1, LIU Yang1, ZHANG Jian1,2**, OU Jiang1, ZHANG Jie1, DENG Chao1, JI Tuo-wei1   

  1. (1Institute of Ecology & Forestry, College of Forestry, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China; 2Key Laboratory of Ecological Forestry Engineering in Sichuan Province, Ya’an 625014, Sichuan, China)
  • Online:2014-10-10 Published:2014-10-10


为了解长江上游低山丘陵区不同林龄的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)人工林植物物种多样性与土壤特性的变化特征及其联系,选取不同林龄的马尾松人工林作为研究对象,对林下植物多样性和土壤理化性质进行研究。结果表明:(1) 3年生马尾松林下喜光植物较多,随林龄增加人工林郁闭度增大,耐阴植物增多。(2) 林下物种丰富度指数中龄林最大,成熟林略有下降但明显高于幼龄林。草本层、灌木层的Simpson指数和Shannon指数随林龄增加均呈现早期波动、中期下降、后期增加的变化趋势。(3) 随林龄增加,土壤各理化指标的变化不尽相同,但到成熟林时期,土壤有机质、全氮、全磷含量均有所升高,说明马尾松林到成熟林阶段其土壤肥力状况得到一定的提升。(4) 群落演替过程中物种多样性变化与土壤因子存在一定相关性,土壤pH、土壤含水量、全磷与植物多样性的关系最为密切。土壤理化性质影响着物种更新和演替进程,同时林下植物群落的演替导致土壤水分和养分发生变化,使得土壤基质的稳定性提高,为更多物种的生存、定居、生长发育提供良好的条件。

关键词: 生物量, 滨海湿地, 柽柳, 碳储量

Abstract: Plant species diversity, soil properties and their interactions of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) plantations with different stand ages in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River were investigated in this study. The results showed that: (1) There were more lightrequiring plants in the 3-year-old Masson pine forest, while the stand canopy density and the abundance of shading plants increased along with increasing the stand age. (2) The species richness index was highest in the midstage Masson pine plantations, and then dropped slightly but higher than that in the young stands. Both of the Simpson and Shannon indexes of shrubs and herbs showed a fluctuation in the early stage, declined in the mid-stage, and then increased in the later stage. (3) Soil organic matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus contents increased significantly along with the stand age. (4) There were significant correlations between plant species diversity and soil factors such as soil pH, soil water content and total phosphorus content. The results suggested that soil physicochemical properties affected the species regeneration and succession, meanwhile, the community succession led to changes in soil water and nutrient contents, providing facilitative conditions for survival, colonization and growth of more species.

Key words: carbon storage, biomass, Tamarix chinensis, coastal wetland