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生态学杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 395-406.doi: 10.13292/j.1000-4890.202402.039

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇




  1. 1山西师范大学生命科学学院, 太原 030031; 2山西师范大学现代文理学院, 山西临汾 041000; 3Department of Biological and Health Sciences, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Kingsville, TX 78363, USA)

  • 出版日期:2024-02-06 发布日期:2024-02-06

Post-drought carbon dynamics and driving factors in East Texas national forests, USA.

YAN Ming1,2, LIU Xiaoyu1, LIU Zhiping1, LIU Qingqing1, XI Weimin3*   

  1. (1School of Life Sciences, Shanxi Normal University, Taiyuan 030031, China; 2Modern College of Humanities and Sciences of Shanxi Normal University, Linfen 041000, Shanxi, China; 3Department of Biological and Health Sciences, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Kingsville, TX 78363, USA).

  • Online:2024-02-06 Published:2024-02-06

摘要: 美国德克萨斯州在过去20年中经历了多次干旱,其中2011年特大干旱是有气象记录以来强度最大的一次。本研究利用美国森林清查(FIA, forest inventory and analysis)近20年(2001—2018年)4个完整周期的数据,研究了德克萨斯州东部的4个国家森林(national forest)中264个样地受干旱影响的林分碳损失,分析了大旱前后清查周期水平和年度水平上林分碳储量的时空变化。采用随机森林模型(random forests)解释并预测干旱(干旱强度、干旱长度)和林分因子(林分密度、树木基面积和林分年龄)对碳损失率的影响。结果表明:特大干旱导致森林的碳损失显著增加,且随着干旱强度的增加有上升趋势。其中旱后第9周期的干旱造成的碳损失明显增加(91.45 t),是旱前第8周期碳损失的2倍。在林地起源、胸径、树高和树木种组4个分类标准中,干旱期的碳损失随干旱程度的增加而均有所增加。相较于人工林(2.9%),天然林碳损失率较大(7.4%);胸径较小(2.54 cm≤胸径<12.7 cm)和树高较低(树高≤15 m)的树木碳损失率较大,分别为18.7%和7.9%;松树的碳损失率最小(5.1%),具有较强的耐旱性。在不同森林类型中,松树林受特大干旱影响较小,碳损失率最低(5.5%)。随机森林模型的结果显示,干旱强度(标准化降水蒸发指数,SPEI)对碳损失率的影响最大(相对重要性为9.2%)(P<0.01),干旱长度相对重要性为8.1%(P<0.05),林分密度、树木基面积和林分年龄的相对重要性分别为4.4%、3.0%和1.3%。相对于林分因子,干旱是碳损失率的主要驱动因素,当SPEI<-1.2时,碳损失率随干旱强度的增加而上升;当干旱长度<2.2或>11.0月时,碳损失率较大。本研究揭示了林分碳储量受干旱影响的动态变化及其驱动因素,为可持续碳林业经营规划和管理提供数据参考。

关键词: 碳储量, 干旱, 碳损失, 国家森林, 德克萨斯州

Abstract: Over the past 20 years, Texas has experienced a number of severe droughts. The 2011 exceptional drought was the most severe one on the record. In this study, Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data of four complete inventory cycles in the past 20 years (2001-2018) were used to examine carbon loss of forest stands affected by the drought in 264 plots in four national forests in East Texas. The temporal and spatial variations of forest carbon stock at the inventory cycle level and annual level before and after drought were analyzed. Random forest models were used to explore and predict the effects of drought severity (standardized precipitation evaporation index, SPEI), drought length, and forest stand factors (stand density, basal area and stand age) on carbon loss rates. Our results showed that the carbon loss in the four national forests increased significantly due to the 2011 severe drought and other associated natural disturbances, and tended to increase with the increases of SPEI. The carbon loss in the post-drought 9th inventory cycle increased significantly (91.45 t), being two times of that in the 8th inventory cycle before drought. In the four classification criteria (forest origin, tree size (DBH, diameter at breast height), tree height and tree species group), carbon loss increased with the increases of drought severity during the dry period. Compared with plantations (2.9%), the carbon loss in natural forest was greater (7.4%). The carbon loss of trees with smaller DBH (2.54 cm ≤ DBH <12.7 cm) and lower tree height (15 m ≤HT) was 18.7% and 7.9%, respectively. Pine trees had the lowest carbon loss (5.1%), which showed strong drought tolerance. Among different forest types, pine forests were less affected by the exceptional drought and had the lowest carbon loss rate (5.5%). The results of random forests models showed that the relative importance score of drought severity on carbon loss rate was the largest (9.2%) (P<0.01), and that the relative importance score of drought length was 8.1% (P<0.05). The relative importance of stand density, tree basal area, and stand age was 4.4%, 3.0%, and 1.3%, respectively. Compared to forest stand factors, drought is the dominant driving factor of carbon loss rate. When SPEI <-1.2, the carbon loss rate increased with the increases of drought severity. When drought length <2.2 or >11.0 months, the carbon loss rate is larger. Better understanding of forest dynamic and carbon stocks affected by drought and its driving factors provides scientific basis and reference information for a sustainable carbon forestry operational planning and management in the national forests in Texas and beyond.

Key words: carbon stock, drought, carbon loss, national forest, Texas