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  1. (华南农业大学林学院, 广州 510642)
  • 出版日期:2014-06-10 发布日期:2014-06-10

Interactions of ozone stress and other environmental factors on plants.

LIE Gan-wen, XUE Li**   

  1. (College of Forestry, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)
  • Online:2014-06-10 Published:2014-06-10

摘要: 随着城市化进程加速,近几十年来全球范围内对流层的臭氧(O3)浓度持续增加,臭氧对植物的影响引起广泛关注。植物受到臭氧胁迫后,生理生化和形态上出现一系列变化。但臭氧对植物的影响受大气、土壤和光照条件的影响很大。全球气候变化和极端气候常态化使得臭氧和环境因子的交互作用大大增加,因此,臭氧和其他环境因子交互作用的实验条件更接近自然环境条件。这些交互作用很大程度上取决于植物种类、臭氧浓度、胁迫时间、植物对这些环境因子的敏感性以及具体的气候条件。本文综述了臭氧与二氧化碳(CO2)、二氧化硫(SO2)、酸雨、氮(N)素、干旱、光照和紫外辐射(UV-B)的交互作用对植物的影响,探讨了臭氧与其他环境因子对植物的交互作用机理,并提出未来的研究热点是臭氧与其他环境因子交互作用对植物地下部分及根际影响、植物根系及其功能变化与根际过程相互影响的机制研究,不同气候条件下,各种类型森林对臭氧和其他环境因子交互作用的响应,臭氧与气候、大气和重金属污染物的交互作用,与低温等逆境的交互作用对植物的影响,从而找出逆境状态下生物进化的若干规律,为合理筛选抗臭氧污染的植物提供参考,对于改善生态环境具有重要意义。

关键词: 低温, 生理特性, 晚稻, 灌水, 抽穗扬花期, 产量

Abstract: With the development of urbanization, the concentration of tropospheric ozone has been considerably increased during the past several decades, and its phytotoxicity has attracted serious attention as a widespread pollution problem. As a highly oxidative pollutant, ozone affects terrestrial plants in a variety of ways. It may negatively affect plant growth by causing morphological and physiological damage under ozone stress. Meanwhile, the impact of ozone on plants is greatly affected by atmospheric, soil and/or light conditions. Nowadays, global climate change and the normalization of extreme climate have significantly increased the opportunity of the interactions of ozone with many other environmental factors. As a result, the conditions in the experiments with consideration of the interactions of ozone and other environmental factors are much closer to natural environmental condition. The effects of interactions of ozone and these environmental factors are quite complicated, and mostly depend on plant species, ozone concentration, time, plant sensitivity to these environmental factors and the specific climate conditions. In this paper, the effects of interactions of ozone with carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, acid rain, nitrogen, drought, light or ultravioletB radiation were summarized and the interaction mechanism of ozone with other environmental factors was discussed. The hotspots for future study in this area should be the interactions of ozone with other environmental factors on the underground part and rhizosphere of plants, and the interplay mechanism of their roots, root functional changes and rhizosphere processes, the interactions of ozone with other environmental factors on various forests under different climatic conditions, the interaction of ozone with climate, air pollutants, heavy metal pollutants or stress such as low temperature on plants. In this paper, several patterns of biological evolution under stresses were figured out, to provide references for reasonable selection of ozoneresistant plants. It is of great significance to improving the ecological environment.

Key words: heading and flowering stage, physiological characteristics, late rice, low temperature, irrigation, yield