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  1. (河南农业大学农学院/河南省粮食作物生理生态与遗传改良重点实验室, 郑州 450002)
  • 出版日期:2013-04-10 发布日期:2013-04-10

Effects of low-pressure sprinkler irrigation on spatiotemporal distribution of nitrogen in soil-wheat system and wheat grain yield.

WANG Ke, WANG Zhi-qiang, MA Chao, ZHANG Zhi-wei, LIN Tong-bao**   

  1. (College of Agronomy, Henan Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Improvement of Food Crops in Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450002, China)
  • Online:2013-04-10 Published:2013-04-10

摘要: 为建立冬小麦节水省肥的高效灌溉模式,以传统地面灌溉方式(漫灌)为对照,研究不同水量的低压喷灌对冬小麦土壤作物系统氮素时空分布及产量的影响。结果表明:低压喷灌显著降低了土壤紧实度,增大了开花期后土壤脲酶活性,使土壤硝、铵态氮集中分布在0~60 cm的根系密集土层范围内,防止了水分和氮肥的深层渗漏;低压喷灌显著降低了氨挥发速率峰值和氨挥发总量,同时,植株冠层叶片、叶鞘和茎秆垂直分布的全氮含量及氮素转运率均大于传统漫灌,产量及水氮利用效率均有不同程度增加。在本试验条件下,低压喷灌减量15%的处理小麦产量及水氮利用效率最高,水氮损失最少。

关键词: 小麦, 测墒补灌, 光合特性, 旗叶酶活性, 籽粒产量

Abstract: In order to establish an efficient irrigation model to save water and fertilizer for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum), a field experiment was conducted to study the effects of different water application amounts of low-pressure sprinkler irrigation on the spatiotemporal distribution of nitrogen in soilwinter wheat system and the wheat grain yield, with the traditional surface irrigation (flooding irrigation) as the control. Lowpressure sprinkler irrigation decreased the soil compaction significantly, increased the soil urease activity after flowering stage, and made the soil NO3--N and NH4+-N concentrated in 0-60 cm root zone, preventing the further leakage of water and fertilizer nitrogen. As compared with flooding irrigation, low-pressure sprinkler irrigation decreased the peak of ammonia volatilization rate and the total amount of ammonia volatilization significantly, and increased the total nitrogen content and nitrogen transport rate of plant leaves, sheaths, and stems considerably. Both the wheat grain yield and the water and nitrogen use efficiency under low-pressure sprinkler irrigation were increased to different extent, and the treatment with 15% reduction of water application amount obtained the highest grain yield and the highest water and nitrogen use efficiency while the least losses of water and fertilizer nitrogen.

Key words: wheat, supplemental irrigation based on soil moisture, photosynthetic characteristics, enzyme activity of flag leaf, grain yield.