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生态学杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9): 2184-2192.doi: 10.13292/j.1000-4890.202309.024

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇




  1. (1贵州师范大学贵州省山地环境信息系统和生态环境保护重点实验室, 贵阳 550001; 2贵州省国际合作研究基地水生态国际联合研究中心, 贵阳 550001; 3贵州省高原水库水环境保护与生态修复工程技术研究中心, 贵阳 550001; 4茅台学院资源环境系, 贵州仁怀 564507)

  • 出版日期:2023-09-10 发布日期:2023-09-05

The niche characteristics of dominant species and community structure of metazooplankton in North Pan River and South Pan River in Guizhou.

ZHANG Jingze1,2,3, YANG Bo1,2,3, XIAO Jing1,2,3, XIA Wei4, LI Qiuhua1,2,3*   

  1. (1Key Laboratory for Information System of Mountainous Area and Protection of Ecological Environment of Guizhou Province, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China; 2Guizhou International Cooperative Research Base-International Joint Research Center for Water Ecology, Guiyang 550001, China; 3Guizhou Plateau Reservoir Water Environmental Protection and Ecological Restoration Engineering Technology Research Center, Guiyang 550001, China; 4Department of Resources and Environment, Moutai College, Renhuai 564507, China).

  • Online:2023-09-10 Published:2023-09-05

摘要: 为了掌握南盘江和北盘江后生浮游动物的群落结构及优势种生态位特征,于2020年10月(平水期)、2021年4月(枯水期)和7月(丰水期)对南盘江和北盘江后生浮游动物进行采样分析,评价其优势度、生态位宽度、生态位重叠。结果表明:南盘江和北盘江共鉴定出后生浮游动物43种,轮虫类28种,桡足类3种,枝角类12种,其中南盘江和北盘江相同的种类为25种;螺形龟甲轮虫(Keratella cochlearis)、中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops sp.)、无节幼体(Nauplius)在南盘江和北盘江3个水文期内均为优势种;南盘江丰水期后生浮游动物总丰度丰水期424.58 ind·L-1,平水期1482.08 ind·L-1,枯水期383.10 ind·L-1,生物量分别为0.197、1.060和0.160 mg·L-1;北盘江丰水期后生浮游动物总丰度丰水期329.33 ind·L-1,平水期553.90 ind·L-1,枯水期117.73 ind·L-1,生物量分别为0.397、0.369和0.006 mg·L-1;南盘江优势种的生态位宽度以窄生态位种群为主(42.86%),北盘江以中生态位种群为主(64.29%);生态位重叠和生态位宽度因为环境因子的改变而产生季节性变化,南盘江优势种生态位宽度差异明显(P<0.01),不同优势种对环境的适应能力差异较大,北盘江则无明显差异(P>0.05),优势种间适应环境能力差异较小;南、北盘江优势种生态位重叠值平均值均为枯水期<丰水期<平水期(南盘江为0.328<0.780<0.847;北盘江为0.283<0.508<0.812);螺形龟甲轮虫与其他优势种间生态位重叠值均较大,南盘江螺形龟甲轮虫与其他优势种平均生态位重叠值为0.68,北盘江为0.56,且出现频率最高(92.86%),表明其对于资源的利用能力较强;综合后生浮游动物优势种群落结构和生态位特征,南盘江、北盘江的丰水期和平水期后生浮游动物优势种的种间竞争强于枯水期,优势种生态位存在季节性变化。

关键词: 后生浮游动物, 群落结构, 优势种, 生态位

Abstract: To clarify the niche characteristics of dominant species and community structure of metazooplankton in North Pan River and South Pan River, we collected samples of the metazooplankton in October 2020 (normal period), April 2021 (dry period), and July 2021 (wet period), and evaluated dominance, niche breadth, and niche overlap values. The results showed that a total of 43 species were recorded in North Pan River and South Pan River, including 28 species of rotifers, 3 species of copepods and 12 species of cladophors. Among them, 25 species were common in South Pan River and North Pan River. Keratella cochlearis, Mesocyclops sp., and Nauplius  (larvae) were the dominant species in the three hydrographic periods of South Pan River and North Pan River. The abundance of metazooplankton in South Pan River was 424.58, 1482.08, and 383.10 ind·L-1 in the wet, normal, and dry periods respectively, and the biomass was 0.397, 0.369, and 0.006 mg·L-1, respectively. In North Pan River, abundance was 329.33, 553.90, and 117.73 ind·L-1 in the wet, normal, and dry periods, and biomass was 0.397, 0.369, and 0.006 mg·L-1, respectively. Dominant species was mainly narrow-niche population (42.86%) in South Pan River, while it was middle-niche population (64.29%) in North Pan River. Niche overlap value and niche breadth changed seasonally due to the changes of environmental factors. The niche breadth of dominant species in South Pan River was significantly different (P<0.01), and the adaptability of dominant species to environment was quite different. There was no difference in niche breadth of dominant species (P>0.05) in North Pan River, and little difference in the ability to adapt to environment among dominant species. The average overlap values of dominant species in the South Pan River and North Pan River were dry period < wet period < normal period (0.328<0.780<0.847 for South Pan River; 0.283<0.508<0.812 for North Pan River). The overlap values between Keratella cochlearis and other dominant species were large. The average overlap value of Keratella cochlearis and other dominant species in South Pan River and North Pan River was 0.68 and 0.56, respectively, being the highest frequency of occurrence of 92.86%, indicating that it had a strong ability to utilize resources. As indicated by community structure and niche characteristics of dominant species of metazooplankton, the competition among dominant species in South Pan River and North Pan River in wet period and normal period was stronger than that in dry period, and the niche of dominant species changed seasonally.

Key words: metazooplankton, community structure, dominant species, niche.