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  1. (1内蒙古自治区生态与农业气象中心, 呼和浩特 010051; 2内蒙古自治区气象灾害监测预警与人工影响天气中心, 呼和浩特 010051)
  • 出版日期:2020-07-10 发布日期:2021-01-09

CLDAS-based refined agricultural climatic division of spring wheat  in Inner Mongolia.

WU Rong-sheng1*, WU Rui-fen1, JIN Lin-xue1, WANG Hui-zhen1, YUE Kun1, SONG Hai-qing1, LIN Hong-jin2, ZHENG Feng-jie2   

  1. (1Inner Mongolia Ecological and Agricultural Meteorological Center, Huhhot 010051, China; 2Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Meteorological Disaster Monitoring and Warning & Weather Modification Center, Huhhot 010051, China).
  • Online:2020-07-10 Published:2021-01-09

摘要: 利用中国气象局陆面数据同化系统(CLDAS-V2.0)的逐小时0.0625°×0.0625°分辨率的气温、降水格点数据,结合内蒙古自治区119个气象站1981—2015年的地面观测资料,充分考虑内蒙古地区春小麦生产和农业气候特点,基于气候适宜度和关键气象因子相结合的方法确定了春小麦气候区划指标,划分了春小麦综合区划等级,采用ArcGIS栅格计算和多元回归模型方法对区划指标要素进行空间化,形成内蒙古自治区春小麦精细化农业气候区划图并进行了分区评述。结果表明:基于CLDAS格点数据的春小麦农业气候区划结果与基于站点气象数据的区划结果趋势一致,但分布细节更为精细合理,且各气象站点综合区划结果与对应旗县1987—2016年春小麦平均单产数据具有较高的相关性(R=0.70,P<0.01),说明分区结果能够反映气候变暖背景下内蒙古春小麦种植气候适宜性的分布特点;内蒙古春小麦生产中的关键问题是阶段性干旱和扬花灌浆期的干热风,制约了春小麦产量的稳定提高,其中河套灌区、西辽河平原灌溉条件良好,大兴安岭沿麓自然降水充沛,为春小麦最适宜种植区;阴山沿麓东段、大兴安岭北麓和南麓偏南地区,水热适宜,干热风风险低,为适宜种植区;阴山南北麓、燕山丘陵区、西辽河平原的旱作农区,由于在春小麦关键生长期易遭遇阶段性干旱,为较适宜种植区;内蒙古西部的主要旱作农区,自然降水与作物生长的供需矛盾非常尖锐,且干热风风险高,为不适宜种植区。本研究结果对内蒙古春小麦生产具有重要指导意义。

关键词: 群落结构, 树种组成, 目标树抚育, 天然次生灌丛, 树种多样性, 封禁管理

Abstract: With hourly and high-resolution (0.0625°×0.0625°) temperature and precipitation data of CMA Land Data Assimilation System (CLDAS-V2.0), as well as groundbased observation data from 119 meteorological stations during 1981 to 2015, we determined the agricultural climatic division index of spring wheat planting distribution in Inner Mongolia by considering the agricultural climatic and productivity characters, according to climate suitability and key meteorological factors. The comprehensive division index of spring wheat was ranked. Raster calculating and multiple regression approaches were used to construct the refined agricultural climatic division maps of spring wheat planting distribution in Inner Mongolia. Our results showed that the CLDAS-based classification was generally consistent with that based on the data of the meteorological stations, with the former having more details regarding the spatial pattern. Furthermore, the comprehensive division index based on the data from meteorological stations was highly correlated with average yield at county level from 1987 to 2016 (R=0.70, P<0.01), indicating its suitability to predict the distribution of climate suitability of spring wheat in Inner Mongolia under climate warming. Seasonal drought and dry hot wind during filling stage largely constrained spring wheat production in Inner Mongolia. Good irrigation facilities in Hetao and West Liaohe Plain, as well as high precipitation along the Greater Khingan Range, made them ideal places for wheat production. Adequate water-heat conditions and low risk of dry hot wind in eastern Mt. Yinshan, the northern and southern foots of Greater Khingan Range were suitable for wheat production. The dry farming areas of the northern and southern foots of Mt. Yinshan, the foothills of Mt. Yanshan and West Liaohe Plain were sub-suitable for spring wheat planting, due to the potential drought damage in critical growth period. Strong water deficit and high risk of dry hot wind made western Inner Mongolia unsuitable for spring wheat planting. Our classifications provide basis for spring wheat production in Inner Mongolia.

Key words: community structure, species composition, target tree tending, natural secondary shrubs, species diversity, closed forest management.