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  1. (江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室; 江苏省粮食作物现代产业技术协同创新中心, 扬州大学, 江苏扬州 225009)
  • 出版日期:2020-05-10 发布日期:2020-05-10

Effects of pig slurry application on phosphorus utilization and stoichiometry of nitrogen and phosphorus in direct seeding rice.

TIAN Huai-feng, MA Jun, YE Ying, ZHAO Kao-cheng, GAO Wei, HUANG Li-fen, ZHUANG Heng-yang*   

  1. (Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology, Yangzhou University; Coinnovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China).
  • Online:2020-05-10 Published:2020-05-10

摘要: 以直播稻为对象,在上海农场进行了猪场处理废水基肥和穗肥不同用量组合的田间试验,研究猪场废水对水稻磷养分吸收利用与氮磷生态化学计量的影响。结果表明:施用猪场处理废水对直播水稻干物质积累、植株磷含量有显著影响。水稻拔节期、齐穗期和成熟期干物质积累量以及产量随废水施用量增加而增加;拔节期、齐穗期和成熟期植株、秸秆及籽粒含磷量与废水用量皆呈显著正相关;不同施肥处理在整个生育期水稻植株N∶P为3.13~5.10,在拔节期、齐穗期、成熟期分别为3.13~4.83、3.42~4.35、3.98~5.10,总体上以齐穗期N∶P值较低;成熟期秸秆N∶P值变动较大(4.30~6.57),而籽粒变化较小(3.85~4.37);齐穗期植株、成熟期秸秆、籽粒和植株的N∶P值与废水施用总量皆呈显著正相关,表明废水施用对直播稻氮素吸收的促进作用大于磷素。

关键词: 岷江柏, 表型性状, 环境因子, 种实, 天然种群

Abstract: A field experiment with different amounts of pig slurry as base fertilizer and panicle fertilizer was carried out in  Shanghai Farm to examine the impacts of pig slurry application on phosphorus absorption and utilization and the ecological stoichiometry of nitrogen and phosphorus in direct seeding rice. The results showed that pig slurry application had significant effects on dry matter accumulation and concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in direct seeding rice. The dry matter accumulation and yield of rice increased with the amount of pig slurry application. Phosphorus concentrations in the rice plants at jointing, heading, and mature stages and in straw and grain were significantly positively correlated with the amount of pig slurry application. During the growing season, plant N∶P ratios under different treatments ranged from 3.13 to 5.10, with the ranges of 3.13-4.83, 3.42-4.35 and 3.98-5.10 at jointing, heading and maturity stages respectively, being lower at the heading stage. Straw N∶P ratios showed greater variation, with a range of 4.30-6.57. The variation of N∶P ratios in grain was smaller, with a range of 3.85-4.37. Plant N∶P ratios at the heading and maturity stages, and that of straw and grain were significantly positively correlated with the total amount of pig slurry application, indicating that pig slurry application had a more considerable effect on nitrogen uptake than phosphorus uptake of direct seeding rice.

Key words: cone and seed, phenotypic trait, environmental factor, natural population, Cupressus chengiana.