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  1. (1南京晓庄学院生态学重点学科组, 南京 211171;2南京大学地理与海洋科学学院, 南京 210093)
  • 出版日期:2019-12-10 发布日期:2019-12-10

Eco-economic rationality of fertilization and the potential of fertilizer reduction in Henan Province based on threshold model.

LIU Qin-pu1*, PU Li-jie2, SUN Jing-rong1   

  1. (1Ecology Research Group of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing 211171, China; 2School of Geography and Ocean Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China).
  • Online:2019-12-10 Published:2019-12-10

摘要: 利用1980—2017年相关数据,通过构建数学模型,计算河南省及其地市氮磷钾化肥施用的环境安全阈值,评价化肥施用的生态经济合理性,为其化肥减量增效、防治面源污染、促进农业可持续发展提供参考。结果表明:1980—2017年,河南省化肥施用环境安全阈值从104 kg·hm-2增加到266 kg·hm-2,化肥施用合理指数从1980年的0.72上升到1988年的1.00后降低到2017年的0.16,化肥施用生态经济合理性经历了施肥不足不合理到施肥合理,又到施肥过量不合理和很不合理的变化过程;2017年,河南省18个地级市中只有鹤壁的化肥施用较为合理,化肥施用量没有超出环境安全阈值的30%,为生态经济合理性二级水平;另除开封和信阳外,其他15个地市的化肥施用都超出了环境安全阈值的50%,化肥施用不合理,为生态经济合理性四级水平;全省磷肥施用生态经济合理性最差,氮肥次之,钾肥较轻;按照化肥施用环境安全阈值施肥,全省可节约化肥约310×107 kg,其中氮磷钾单质肥料分别为128.4×107、115.7×107、65.9×107 kg。总之,河南省化肥施用不合理,区域差异明显,化肥减量潜力很大,实现化肥施用负增长、粮食安全生态友好双赢发展任务艰巨。

关键词: 氮素, 新型肥料, 贵州辣椒, 积累与分配, 干物质

Abstract: Based on mathematical models and data of 1980-2017, environmental thresholds of fertilization in Henan Province and its prefectural-level cities were calculated to evaluate the eco-economic rationality of fertilization for reducing fertilizer use and improving the sustainable agricultural development. The results showed that environmental threshold of fertilization in Henan-increased from 104 kg·hm-2 in 1980 to 266 kg·hm-2 in 2017 and fertilization eco-economic rationality index changed from 0.72 in 1980 to 1.00 in 1988 to 0.16 in 2017 with alterations of fertilization rationality from relatively rational to rational to severely irrational. Hebi was only one city among the 18 prefecturallevel cities in Henan which belonged to the relatively rational for fertilizer use with the amount being less than 30% of fertilization environmental safety threshold in 2017. 15 cities belonged to the severely irrational for fertilizer use with the amount more than 50% of the thresholds in Henan, except for Kaifeng and Xinyang. For the use of single fertilizer in Henan, phosphorus was severely irrational, nitrogen was irrational, and potassium was slightly irrational. According to the thresholds, 3.1 million tons of fertilizers could be reduced, including 1.28, 1.15, and 0.66 million tons of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers, respectively. There is a great potential for Henan to reduce the overused fertilizers and a huge task to assure the win-win development of grain security and friendly environment.

Key words: new-type fertilizer, nitrogen, dry matter, accumulation and distribution., pepper in Guizhou