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  1. (1陕西省动物研究所, 西安 710032; 2中国人民大学环境学院, 北京 100872)
  • 出版日期:2014-10-10 发布日期:2014-10-10

The current status and disease occurrence of captive forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) in Shaanxi Province.

WANG Yong-qi1, MENG Xiu-xiang2**   

  1. (1 Shaanxi Institute of Zoology, Xi’an 710032, China; 2 School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)
  • Online:2014-10-10 Published:2014-10-10

摘要: 作为濒危麝类动物(Moschus spp.)迁地保育及麝香生产的重要方式,我国的麝类驯养开始于1958年,林麝(M. berezovskii)是最主要的驯养麝种,陕西是我国林麝驯养的重点省份。对陕西2001—2012年的麝类驯养进行监测和分析,结果表明:陕西省林麝驯养在空间上分布极不均匀,其麝场多分布在野生林麝的核心分布区,即秦巴山区的安康、汉中和宝鸡地区,存栏林麝种群达4725头,其种群增长近似指数式增长,种群增长率高达25.06%。此外,全省的麝场数近10年增加较快,年均增长率高达27.92%,但麝场驯养规模却呈下降趋势,2005、2010年全省的麝场平均存栏种群分别为20.53和19.45头。驯养林麝的易发疾病有10类53种,消化道疾病、寄生虫病及呼吸系统疾病为易发疾病。陕西林麝驯养中存在偏雄性死亡,在疾病致死病例中的雄麝(54.28%)显著高于雌麝(45.72%)(P<0.05)。此外,因病死亡比例在各年龄组的分布不均匀,成体比例(35.99%)显著高于亚成体(31.86%)(P<0.01)和幼体(32.15%)(P<0.05),而后二者间差异不显著(P>0.05)。为实现陕西林麝的迁地保育和麝香的可持续供给,需大力提高驯养林麝种群的增长率,并加强其疾病防控。

关键词: 多元素, 生态化学计量, 氮添加, 养分回收

Abstract: As an important way for exsitu conservation and musk production, musk deer (Moschus spp.) farming was initiated in China in 1958. This study focused on investigating farming pattern and disease occurrence of the main farmed deer species (i.e. forest musk deer, M. berezovskii) in Shaanxi Province of China during 2001-2012. In Shaanxi Province, farmed musk deer are distributed in the core habitats of wild musk deer, which is the QinglingBashan mountainous area including Baoji, Hanzhong and Ankang. There were 4725 captive forest musk deer in Shaanxi Province, the population growth rates reached 25.06%, and fitted the exponential model well. Generally, the provincial musk deer farms increased rapidly with the average annual rate of 27.92%. The average population size, however, tended to decrease. The average population sizes were 20.53 and 19.45 individuals in 2005 and 2010, respectively. There were 53 commonly occurring diseases in captive musk deer, falling in 10 categories. Among them, the digestive system diseases, parasitic disease and respiratory system diseases occurred most frequently. For captive musk deer, the death rate of males (54.28%) was significantly higher than that of females (45.72%) (P< 0.05), indicating that male-biased death existed in farmed forest musk deer. Moreover, the death rate for adults (35.99%) was significantly higher than that for subadults (31.86%) (P< 0.01) or the young (32.15%) (P< 0.05), but no significant differences existed between the two latter age classes. In order to ex situ conserve the endangered forest musk deer in Shaanxi Province and ensure sustainable musk production, the growth rate of captive forest musk deer population must be enhanced significantly, and the disease occurrence should be controlled and prevented in musk deer farming.

Key words: nitrogen addition, multi-element, ecological stoichiometry, nutrient resorption