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生态学杂志 ›› 2005, Vol. ›› Issue (9): 985-988.

• 研究报告 •    下一篇


闫海冰1,2,3, 郝占庆1, 杨秀清3, 杨清培4   

  1. 1. 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 沈阳, 110016;
    2. 华南热带农业大学, 儋州, 571737;
    3. 山西农业大学林学院, 太谷, 030801;
    4. 广州工程技术职业学院, 广州, 510075
  • 收稿日期:2004-11-23 修回日期:2005-03-23 出版日期:2005-09-10
  • 通讯作者: 郝占庆
  • 基金资助:

Dynamic changes of Korean pine forest resources in Heilongjiang Province

YAN Haibing1,2,3, HAO Zhanqing1, YANG Xiuqing3, YANG Qingpei4   

  1. 1. Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China;
    2. South China University of Tropical Agriculture, Danzhou 571737, China;
    3. Forestry Department of Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, China;
    4. Guangzhou Institute of Technology, Guangzhou 510075, China
  • Received:2004-11-23 Revised:2005-03-23 Online:2005-09-10

摘要: 利用黑龙江省1949~1998年的调查数据和1949、1986年的两期1:2500000森林资源分布图,从资源统计和景观格局两个角度对黑龙江省红松林的变化进行了研究。结果表明,从数量上看,黑龙江省红松林的面积和蓄积急剧减少,占全省森林资源的比例不断降低,林龄结构趋于不合理;从景观格局来看,1949年和1986年两期景观相比,红松林面积急剧减少,斑块数量增多,斑块密度加大,平均斑块面积减小,总边缘长度减小,边缘密度增大,呈严重的破碎化,大部分红松林景观转变为阔叶混交林和非林地。

关键词: 日光温室, 地面覆盖, 嫁接黄瓜, 产量, 土壤环境

Abstract: Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) forest is a typical climate vegetation in northeastern China.However,it was suffered from serious destruction in the last century.The changes in resource and landscape of Korean pine forest in Heilongjiang Province were studied,based on investigation data(1949~1998) and the map of forest resource distribution(1:2 500 000,1949,1986).The results showed that the area and volume of wood decreased severely and the relative proportion of total forest resource in Heilongjiang Province also decreased.The area of forest had skewed heavily towards young and middle-aged stands.The total area of Korean pine forest landscape and mean patch size decreased,while the quantity,density,and edge density of patches increased.The Korean pine forest landscape was severely fragmented and turned into broad-leaved mixed forest and non-forest land from 1949 to 1986.

Key words: Solar greenhouse, Soil surface mulching, Grafted cucumber, Yield, Soil environment
