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  1. (1中南林业科技大学野生动植物保护研究所,  长沙 410004;  2湖北石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区管理处,  湖北石首 434400)
  • 出版日期:2015-10-10 发布日期:2015-10-10

Autumn nocturnal bedsite selection by freeranging and rewilding populations of Milu (Elaphurus davidianus) in Shishou County of Hubei Province, China.

LI Chi1, YANG Dao-de1**, ZHANG Yu-ming2, SONG Yu-cheng1, LI Peng-fei2   

  1. (1Institute of Wildlife Conservation, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China; 2Hubei Shishou Milu National Nature Reserve, Shishou 434400, Hubei, China)
  • Online:2015-10-10 Published:2015-10-10

摘要: 卧息地选择是野生动物适应不同环境以及人类活动干扰的综合反映,是衡量野生动物行为适应的关键因素之一。2014年9—11月,采用跟踪调查法与直接观察法,对湖北石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区围栏内的散放麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus)群体和保护区外(三合垸)的自然野化麋鹿群体秋季夜间卧息地选择进行了比较研究,对散放与野化麋鹿群体分别进行了61个卧息样方和61个对照样方的调查。结果表明:散放群体与野化群体秋季夜间均主要选择在隐蔽度较高、草本盖度较高、食物丰富度较高、风速较小、距隐蔽物(芦苇与树林)较近的林地中的草地基底卧息,但野化群体更倾向于选择距道路与居民点较远的卧息地。逐步判别分析表明:散放群体与野化群体在秋季夜间卧息地特征上存在重叠与分离,距道路距离和距居民点距离构成的Fisher判别函数可区分散放与野化群体秋季夜间卧息地,判别正确率为87.5%,表明散放群体与野化群体夜间卧息地选择主要在距道路与居民点距离上存在差异。故散放群体与野化群体在秋季夜间卧息地选择上相似又趋异,这可能与相同的生物学特性、相似的生境和不同的人为干扰、围栏等条件有关,建议保护区争取获得三合垸土地所有权或使用权、扩大围栏面积、保留麋鹿卧息时的隐蔽环境。

关键词: 水分利用效率, 耕作模式, 土壤有机碳, 黑垆土, 团聚体

Abstract: Bedsite selection is the result of wild animals’ preferences for different habitats and anthropogenic interference, and is a key measure of behavioral adaptation of wild animals to ecological environments. In this study, we investigated nocturnal bedsite selection of the Milu (Elaphurus davidianus; Père David’s deer) to provide information for the conservation and management of this species. From September to November 2014 (autumn), we used track observations and direct observations to assess nocturnal bedsite selection of a population of freeranging Milu in the Hubei Shishou Milu National Nature Reserve, and a second population of Milu that escaped the reserve in 1998 and have since been living wild in Sanheyuan, Shishou County, Hubei Province, China. For each population (freeranging and re-wilding), we monitored 61 bedsite plots and 61 control plots. Both populations mainly selected bedsites on grasslands within forests that provided highly hidden spots, high herbage coverage and abundant foods, and that were less windy and closer to shelter (reed and woods); however, re-wilding Milu preferred sites farther from roads and human settlements. A stepwise discriminant analysis showed there existed overlap and separation characters in bedsites between the freeranging and rewilding populations. The Fisher discriminant function parameterized with the variables ‘distance to road’ and ‘distance to human settlement’ could discriminate the bedsites of the two populations with 87.5% accuracy, suggesting that these two factors appear to distinguish the bedsites of freeranging and rewilding Milu. The characteristics of bedsites selected by freeranging and re-wilding Milu were broadly similar, most likely as a consequence of the ecological similarities of these two populations. Differences in bedsites selected by the two populations are likely due to the differences in anthropogenic interference they experienced. On the basis of our findings, we suggested that implementing direct management of the Sanheyuan area by getting land ownership, enlarging fenced areas and retaining vegetation that provides cover for animals would benefit the conservation of Milu in this region.

Key words: dark loessial soil, soil aggregate, organic carbon, tillage pattern, water use efficiency.