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生态学杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (7): 1687-1698.doi: 10.13292/j.1000-4890.202307.004

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1安徽大学资源与环境工程学院, 合肥 230601; 2湿地生态保护与修复安徽省重点实验室(安徽大学), 合肥 230601)

  • 出版日期:2023-07-10 发布日期:2023-07-06

Spatial variations of bird diversity in the wetland parks alongside Chaohu Lake.

LIANG Feng1,2, ZHOU Lizhi1,2*   

  1. (1School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China; 2Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecosystem Protection and Restoration (Anhui University), Hefei 230601, China).

  • Online:2023-07-10 Published:2023-07-06

摘要: 湿地公园是生物多样性的重要庇护场所,湿地鸟类是湿地公园生物多样性的指示类群,各功能区的生境因子状况决定了湿地公园鸟类群落多样性的特征。了解鸟类群落多样性及其决定因素,有助于进一步加强湿地公园生态管理。2020年7月至2021年6月对环巢湖3个湿地公园的鸟类种类、数量和生境因子进行了调查,通过分析α多样性和β多样性及其与生境因子的关系,研究湿地公园鸟类多样性空间格局及生境特征。共记录鸟类15目49科157种,水鸟57种。国家一级重点保护野生鸟类3种,国家二级重点保护野生鸟类21种,安徽省重点保护野生鸟类27种。春季和冬季鸟类物种丰富度高,夏季最低;夏季鸟类香农多样性指数最高,冬季最低。半岛和柘皋河湿地公园的恢复重建区的嵌套组分高于其他功能区的空间周转组分,槐林湿地公园的生态保育区的嵌套组分高于其他功能区的空间周转组分。多元线性回归和基于相似或相异矩阵的多元回归分析结果显示,距林地的距离和距建设用地的距离对鸟类α和β多样性及其嵌套和周转组分均具有显著性影响,草本植物盖度和距水域的距离对α多样性具有显著影响。

关键词: 鸟类群落, α多样性, β多样性, 湿地公园

Abstract: Wetland parks are important refuges for biodiversity. Wetland birds can be used as biodiversity indicators. Understanding bird diversity and its determinants is essential for further strengthening the ecological management of wetland parks. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of bird diversity in wetland parks according to the habitat factors in each functional area. From July 2020 to June 2021, bird species, population, and habitat factors were recorded in three wetland parks alongside Chaohu Lake. The relationship between α and β diversity and habitat factors was analyzed to examine the spatial pattern and habitat characteristics of bird diversity. Overall, 157 species, 49 families, 15 orders of birds were recorded, with 57 species being waterbirds. Three species were national firstlevel key protected animals, 21 species were national secondlevel key protected animals, and 27 species were provincial key protected animals in Anhui Province. Species richness was highest in spring and winter, and lowest in summer. The Shannon diversity index was highest in summer and lowest in winter. The nestedness component of the recovery and reconstruction area was higher than the turnover component of other functional areas in Chaohu Bandao National Wetland Park and Chaohu Zhegaohe Provincial Wetland Park. The nestedness component of the ecological conservation area was higher than the turnover component of other functional areas in Chaohu Huailin Provincial Wetland Park. Results of multiple linear regression and multiple regression on similarity or dissimilarity matrices showed that the distance from woodland and construction land had significant effects on α and β diversity of bird communities as well as its nestedness and turnover components. The coverage of herbs and the distance from a water body significantly affected α diversity.

Key words: bird community, α diversity, β diversity, wetland park.