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生态学杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 732-740.doi: 10.13292/j.1000-4890.202203.008

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所湿地生态功能与恢复北京市重点实验室, 北京 100091;2河北衡水湖湿地生态系统国家定位观测研究站, 河北衡水 053000;3河北衡水湖国家级自然保护区管理委员会, 河北衡水 053000;4吉林省林业调查规划院, 吉林延吉 133000)
  • 出版日期:2022-04-10 发布日期:2022-09-09

Community characteristics and seasonal changes of waterbird in Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve, Hebei Province.

GUO Zi-liang1,2, ZHANG Yu-guang2,3, LIU Wei-wei1,2, CAI Le-han1,2, ZHANG Man-yin1,2*, LIU Zhen-jie2,3, GUO Hua-bing4   

  1. (1Beijing Key Laboratory of Wetland Services and Restoration, Institute of Wetland Research, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China; 2 National Ecosystem Research Station of Hengshui Wetland, Hengshui 053000, Hebei, China; 3Administrative Committee of Hebei Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve, Hengshui 053000, Hebei, China; 4Forestry Investigating and Planning Institute of Jilin Province, Yanji 133000, Jilin, China).  
  • Online:2022-04-10 Published:2022-09-09

摘要: 2020年5月—2021年4月,对河北衡水湖国家级自然保护区进行了水鸟调查,共记录水鸟82种,隶属于7目14科。其中,鹬科、鹭科和鸭科鸟类共同组成了该区域水鸟群落的优势类群,涉禽种类多、种群规模小,游禽种类少、种群规模大。豆雁、苍鹭、灰翅浮鸥等为自然保护区内水鸟群落的优势种。不同月份水鸟群落的物种丰富度、种群数量、物种多样性指数差异较大,其最大值分别出现在3—4、1和5月。总体上,衡水湖自然保护区水鸟物种丰富度维持较高水平,迁徙期水鸟物种丰富度和Shannon多样性指数更高,越冬期水鸟种群数量更大,7月水鸟物种丰富度最低、Pielou均匀度指数最高。迁徙期的水鸟群落相似度普遍较高,春季迁徙期鸻鹬类种数占比高,秋季迁徙期和越冬期雁鸭类种数占比高、种群数量大。此外,本次调查共记录国家重点保护水鸟18种,集中出现在越冬期及早春和晚秋。

关键词: 物种组成, 多样性, 鸟类, 湿地

Abstract: A waterbird survey was conducted in Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve of Hebei Province from May 2020 to April 2021. A total of 82 waterbird species belonging to 7 orders and 14 families were recorded. Among them, sandpipers, herons and ducks were the dominant group in this region. Wading birds had high species richness and small population, while swimming birds had low species richness and large population. Anser fabalis, Ardea cinerea, and Chlidonias hybrid were the dominant waterbird species. The species richness, population size and Shannon diversity index of waterbird community varied greatly across different months, with the maximum values appearing in March to April, January, and May, respectively. On the whole, species richness of waterbirds was maintained at a high level in the reserve. The species richness and Shannon diversity index of waterbirds were higher in the migration period, whereas population size of waterbirds was larger in the wintering period. The lowest species richness and highest Pielou evenness index were presented in July. The similarities of waterbird community in migration periods were generally higher. The proportion of waders was higher in spring migration period, while the proportion of geese and ducks with larger population was higher in autumn migration period and wintering period. In addition, a total of 18 national key protected species were recorded, which mainly appeared in the overwintering period, early spring and late autumn.

Key words: species composition, diversity, bird, wetland.