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  1. (1昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院, 昆明 650093; 2华中农业大学公共管理学院, 武汉 430070;3昆明理工大学财务处, 昆明 650500)
  • 出版日期:2018-07-10 发布日期:2018-07-10

Spatio-temporal differentiation and influencing factors of vegetation net primary productivity using GIS and CASA: A case study in Yuanyang County, Yunnan.

CHEN Feng1, LI Hong-bo2*, LIU Ya-jing3   

  1. (1College of Land and Resource Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China; 2College of Public Administration, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China; 3Division of Finance, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China)
  • Online:2018-07-10 Published:2018-07-10

摘要: 为了探明云南省元阳县植被净初级生产力(NPP)的变化特征及其驱动机制,本研究基于光能利用率模型(CASA)和MODIS传感器获得的NDVI数据,模拟了元阳县2005—2015年植被NPP的时空分布,并分析了NPP与气候、土地覆盖等影响因子的相关性。结果表明:2005—2015年元阳县NPP空间分布差异明显,基本特点是南高北低、西高东低,沿东北向西南逐渐递增,年均值约380.57 g C·m-2·a-1,不同土地覆盖类型的植被NPP也分异明显;元阳县NPP月际及年际变化特征显著,年内太阳辐射的分布不均较之于降水的分布不均对NPP的影响更大,年际间NPP总体呈现小幅波动增长趋势,波动幅度为0~37 g C·m-2·a-1,年净初级生产量整体小幅增加,年增速为29600 kg ·a-1,随着退耕还林和退耕还草工程的实施,导致NPP在200~300 g C·m-2·a-1的耕地区域面积呈减小趋势,在300~400 g C·m-2·a-1的林地、草地区域面积呈增加趋势;元阳县不同区域的NPP变化趋势可分为显著增加(P<0.01)、轻度增加(P<0.05)、无明显变化(P≥0.05),其中29.5%的区域显著增加,16.3%的区域轻度增加,不同植被分区的NPP增加趋势不尽相同,各植被区NPP显著增加的面积比例依次为58.1%(林地)、19.2%(草地)、17.4%(耕地)、11.4%(建筑用地)、8%(园地);通过NPP与气候、土地覆盖等影响因子的相关性分析,发现县域NPP的变化受自然和人为因素共同影响。各气候因子中,温度和太阳辐射与NPP的相关性高于降水,NPP的大范围显著增长是热量及能量耦合作用的结果;受元阳县林区植被特性及退耕还林还草等人为活动的综合影响,林地植被NPP季节波动性幅度最高,是元阳县NPP变化显著的主要土地覆盖类型。本研究可为该区域合理的土地利用、资源管理及生态环境建设提供参考。

关键词: 地理探测器, 福建省, 空间交互, 入侵植物, 空间分布

Abstract: To clarify the changes and driving mechanism of the net primary productivity (NPP) in Yuanyang, Yunnan Province, we simulated the spatio-temporal distribution of vegetation NPP in Yuanyang from 2005 to 2015 based on the improved light energy utilization model (CASA) and MODIS-NDVI data. The correlations between NPP and climate factors or land use types were analyzed. From 2005 to 2015, the spatial distribution of NPP was significantly different in Yuanyang, increasing from the northeast to southwest, with an annual average of 380.57 g C·m-2·a-1. The vegetation NPP differed among land use types. The monthly and interannual NPP showed substantial variation. The uneven distribution of solar radiation had greater influence on NPP than that of precipitation during the year. The annual NPP presented a fluctuant increasing trend during the past decade, with an increment amplitude of 0-37 g C·m-2·a-1. The overall annual NPP was increased slightly, with an annual growth rate of 29600 kg C·a-1. With the implementation of returning farmland to forest and grassland, the area of cultivated region with NPP of 200-300 g C·m-2·a-1 was decreased, and that of the woodland and grassland with NPP of 300-400 g C·m-2·a-1 showed an increasing trend. The change trends of NPP in different areas of Yuanyang could be classified as significant increase (P<0.01), slight increase (P<0.05), and no significant change, of which 29.5% of the area increased significantly, and 16.3% of the area increased slightly. The trend of NPP increasing varied across different vegetation types. The proportions of areas with significantly increasing NPP were 58.1% for woodland,19.2% for grassland, 17.4% for arable land, 11.4% for construction land, and 8% for garden. The changes of NPP were influenced by natural factors and human factors. The correlation coefficient between NPP and temperature or solar radiation was higher than that of precipitation. The large-scale increase of NPP was a result of heat and energy coupling. The comprehensive influence of vegetation characteristics in forested area and human activities including returning farmland to forest and grassland resulted in the greatest seasonal variability of vegetation NPP in forest, which was the main land-use type with significant changes of NPP. Our results provide valuable reference for land use, resources management, and ecosystem reconstruction.

Key words: spatial interaction, geographical detector, spatial distribution, Fujian Province, invasive plant