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  1. 1华南农业大学资源环境学院, 广州 510642; 2农业部华南热带农业环境重点实验室, 广州 510642)
  • 出版日期:2017-10-10 发布日期:2017-10-10

Effects of rice and water spinach intercropping on the growth, yield, and pest control of rice.

NING Chuan-chuan1,2, CHEN Quan-yang1, HU Hong-jie1, LUO Shi-ming1,2, CAI Kun-zheng1,2*#br#   

  1. (1 College of Natural Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China; 2 Key Laboratory of Tropical AgroEnvironment, Ministry of Agriculture, Guangzhou 510642, China).
  • Online:2017-10-10 Published:2017-10-10

摘要: 间作是一种高效利用光、热、水、土资源的优良作物种植方式,但是以往间作研究大多集中在旱地作物。本研究在水田条件下,通过连续两年(2014—2015)四季的大田试验,研究水稻与雍菜不同比例间作对水稻生长发育、物质积累、病虫害防控及产量的影响。试验包括5个处理,即水稻单作、雍菜单作和3种比例的水稻与雍菜间作(2∶2,3∶2,4∶2)。结果表明:水稻和雍菜间作对水稻株高和叶绿素含量没有影响,显著增加水稻的分蘖数和地上部生物量,且随着水稻行数比例的减少而增加;与水稻单作相比,间作显著提高水稻单位面积的产量,增产优势表现为2∶2间作>3∶2间作>4∶2间作,产量的提高主要通过增加有效穗数和总粒数,甚至提高结实率来实现;间作还能有效减轻水稻纹枯病和稻纵卷叶螟的危害程度,其中对纹枯病的控制效果为39.8%~68.8%,卷叶螟为36.7%~56.0%。研究表明,水稻与雍菜间作是一种可行的利用生物多样性控制病虫害且增加作物产量的生态农业模式。

关键词: Na+, 落叶阔叶人工混交林, 物候期, K+

Abstract: Intercropping is a good cropping practice to efficiently utilize light, heat, water and soil. However, most previous studies of intercropping have focused on upland crops. The present study was carried out to explore the effects of rice and water spinach intercropping on growth, dry matter accumulation, pest control and yield of rice by field trials of continuous two years (2014-2015)/four seasons. The experiment included five treatments: Rice monoculture, water spinach monoculture, rice and water spinach intercropping at three ratios (2∶2, 3∶2 and 4∶2). The results showed that rice and water spinach intercropping had no significant effect on plant height and chlorophyll content of rice, but significantly increased the number of tiller and aboveground biomass of rice. Intercropping significantly increased rice yield per unit area mainly by increasing effective panicles, total grains and even seed setting rate. Rice yield advantage of the three intercropping patterns was shown as 2∶2 > 3∶2 > 4∶2. In addition, rice and water spinach intercropping reduced the incidence levels of rice sheath blight by 39.8%-68.8% and leaf folders by 36.7%-56.0%. Our results suggested that rice and water spinach intercropping is a feasible ecological agriculture model in controlling diseases and pests through enhancing biodiversity and increasing rice crop yields.

Key words: phenological stage, deciduous broad-leaved mixed plantation, K+, Na+