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  1. (1 延安大学生命科学学院, 陕西延安 716000; 2 陕西省区域生物资源保育与利用工程技术研究中心, 陕西延安 716000)
  • 出版日期:2017-10-10 发布日期:2017-10-10

Butterfly diversity of different interference habitats in Nanniwan wetland.

TAN Can1, WANG Ting-yi1, WANG Lu1, FAN De-miao1, MA Juan1, LIU Chang-hai1,2*#br#   

  1. (1College of Life Sciences, Yanan University, Yanan716000, Shaanxi, China; 2 Shannxi Engineering and Technological Research Center for Conversation and Utilization of Regional Biological Resources, Yanan 716000, Shannxi, China).
  • Online:2017-10-10 Published:2017-10-10

摘要: 2015—2016年,在南泥湾不同干扰强度4块湿地南泥湾村(YGS)、后九龙泉(TGS)、孟家沟(THS)、大南沟(WTS)共采集329号标本,分属鳞翅目5科27属36种,粉蝶科在4块样地均为优势科,菜粉蝶为地区优势种。区系分析发现:个体数量上广布种(W)占55.6%,古北种(P)和东洋种(O)分别占39.2%和5.2%,在物种数量上古北种(P)占50%,广布种(W)和东洋种(O)分别占36.1%和13.9%。在4块样地中,属数、种数、个体数趋势相同,WTS的属数、种数、个体数均最高,分别为23、27、132,其他依次是THS、TGS、YGS;物种丰富度(R)、多样性指数(H)、均匀度指数(J)趋势相同,WTS的R、H、J均最高,依次为5.3248、0.4393、0.1333,其次是THS、TGS、YGS;YGS优势度指数最高,为0.3265,其次是TGS、THS、WTS。不同干扰强度4块样地随干扰强度增加生境复杂程度逐渐降低,依次是WTS、THS、TGS、YGS。结果显示,从蝶类资源状况来看,南泥湾湿地生态演替仍未达到顶级,蝶类资源不丰富。

关键词: Ecopath模型, 黄河口, 贝类, 生态容量

Abstract: From 2015 to 2016, we chose different interference habitats to collect butterfly in Nanniwan wetlands: Naniwancun (YGS), Houjiulongquan (TGS), Mengjiagou (THS), Danangou (WTS). We collected a total of 329 specimens which belong to 36 species in 27 genera under 5 families. Pieridae was the dominant family and Pieris rapae was the dominant species in the four habitats. The analysis of fauna revealed that the individual percentages of widely distributed species (W), Palaearctic species (P) and Oriental species (O) were 55.6%, 39.2% and 5.2%, and the species number percentages of P, W and O were 50.0%, 36.1% and 13.9%, respectively. The four habitats had the same tendency in genus number, species number, and individual number, with WTS having the highest ones of 23, 27, and 132 respectively, followed by THS, TGS, and YGS in sequence. They had the same tendency in species richness, diversity index and evenness index, with WTS having the highest ones of 5.3248, 0.4393, and 0.1333 respectively, followed by THS, TGS, and YGS in sequence. YGS had the highest dominance index of 0.3265, followed by TGS, THS, and WTS in sequence. The habitat complexity of the four habitats decreased gradually with the increase of interference, being in the order of WTS, THS, TGS, and YGS. Viewed from the butterfly resources of the four habitats, ecological succession of Nanniwan wetland had not reached the climax community, and butterfly resources were not abundant.

Key words: shellfish, Ecopath model, Yellow River estuary., ecological carrying capacity