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  1. (天津市气候中心, 天津 300074)
  • 出版日期:2014-03-10 发布日期:2014-03-10

Numerical modeling of local air pollutant dispersion characteristics in Tianjin Binhai New Area.

LI Ming-cai**, YANG Yan-juan, GUO Jun, XIONG Ming-ming, REN Yu   

  1. (Tianjin Climate Center, Tianjin 300074, China)
  • Online:2014-03-10 Published:2014-03-10


以位于天津滨海新区南部的南港工业区某石化项目为例,应用区域边界层模式模拟了局地大气污染物NOx的扩散及传输特征,并结合大气稳定度和混合层厚度分析了该区污染物排放对生态环境的影响。结果表明:150 m高度扩散中心NOx浓度各季差异不大,而地面10 m高度各季存在明显不同,冬季最高,浓度为0.03 μg·m-3,夏季略低,浓度为0024 μg·m-3,而春、秋两季仅为冬、夏的25%~50%;从NOx扩散方位来看,与该地区主导风向较为一致。冬季盛行西北风,NOx扩散方位为东南,主要向海面扩散,对内陆地区的影响最小;春、秋季盛行西南风,NOx以向东北扩散为主,对塘沽沿海部分地区略有影响;夏季盛行东南风,NOx扩散方位为西北,对内陆有一定的影响,但10 m高度污染物浓度在向西北扩散约30 km后浓度仅为0.002 μg·m-3,达到空气质量标准。考虑石化生产、存储及运输对高温的敏感性,结合污染物的扩散特征,建议夏季适当降低生产规模,同时加大污染物防治力度,以降低高温风险,同时减少可能对内陆的影响。

关键词: 间作, 氮水平, 小麦白粉病, 氮素累积分配

Abstract: Taking a petrochemical project of Nangang industrial area situated in the southern Binhai New Area, Tianjin as a case, the characteristics of dispersion and transport of air pollutant NOx were simulated by using a boundary layer model, and its environmental impact was analyzed with consideration of its atmospheric stability and mixed layer thickness. The results showed that there were no apparent differences in the NOx concentration at the 150 m height diffusion center among four seasons, whereas at the height of 10 m above ground the NOx concentration had large differences in different seasons. NOx concentration was highest in winter (0.03 μg·m-3), followed by summer (0.024 μg·m-3), but NOx concentrations in spring and autumn were only 25%-50% of that in winter and summer. The dispersion direction of NOx was consistent with the dominant wind direction in this area. In winter, NOx dispersed to southeast due to the dominant northwest wind and thus the influence of pollutants on inland areas was least because NOx mainly dispersed to the sea. Southwest wind prevailed in spring and autumn, leading to the dispersion of NOx to the northeast to weakly affect the Tanggu coastal region. Different from other seasons, southeast wind prevailed in summer and NOx dispersed to the northwest, making a certain impact on the inland. However, the concentration of NOx after approximately 30 km diffusion to the northwest was only 0.002 μg·m-3, which met the air quality standard for NOx. Considering the high sensitivities of petrochemical production, storage and transport to high temperature and the characteristics of air pollutant dispersion, it is recommended to reduce the production scale and increase pollution control efforts in summer in order to decrease the risk of high temperature and the impact on the inland.

Key words: nitrogen level, intercropping, wheat powdery mildew, nitrogen accumulation and allocation