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  1. 1中山大学地理科学与规划学院, 广州 510275; 2广东省海洋资源研究发展中心, 广州 510070)
  • 出版日期:2014-02-10 发布日期:2014-02-10

Impacts of road networks on species migration and landscape connectivity.

ZHOU Yuan1,2, ZHANG Qing-nian1**   

  1. (1School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou 510275, China; 2Guangdong Center for Marine Resource R & D, Guangzhou 510070, China)
  • Online:2014-02-10 Published:2014-02-10

摘要: 道路对区域景观产生破碎化及阻碍效应,使得生态过程发生受阻、景观功能受损。科学评估道路的生态效应对指导道路选线、生态恢复工程及景观规划有重要价值。本文采用阻力面概念和最小耗费模型,实现了景观阻力、斑块质量、廊道畅通性和景观连通性的计算,定量分析了物种迁移过程中道路网的干扰程度。结果表明:道路引起生态廊道长度平均增加30%,廊道曲率平均增加0.19;道路也使廊道通畅性平均降低90%,影响程度与廊道耗费值呈线性相关,系数为0.76;整体景观连通性下降30.8%,扩散能力越弱的廊道所受道路阻碍效应越强。本文建立的模拟评价方法可用于确定景观尺度上特定生态过程的关键格局,同时也可为景观生态规划中生态廊道设计及景观连通性定量分析提供科学依据。

关键词: 光质, 叶片衰老, 内源激素

Abstract: Road networks fragmentize regional landscapes, block ecological processes and damage landscape functions. The effective evaluation of the ecological impact of roads provides valuable information for road route design, ecological restoration and landscape planning. Based on resistance surface concept and the minimal cost model, we calculated the landscape resistance, patch quality, accessibility of corridors, and landscape connectivity, and quantitatively evaluated the impact of road networks on species migration process. Results showed that roads increased the corridor length by 30% on average, the corridor curvature by 0.19. Roads also reduced the accessibility of ecological corridors by 90%, and the decrement was in linear relation to the minimal cost of the corridors, with a correlation coefficient of 0.76. Landscape connectivity was decreased by 30.8%, and the weaker the diffusion ability of corridors is, the more it will be affected by the roads. The proposed methods can be used to determine the key pattern of a specific ecological- process on the landscape scale, and provide information for the design of ecological corridors and quantitative analysis of landscape connectivity for ecological landscape planning.

Key words: leaf senescence, endogenous hormone., light quality