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  1. 1仲恺农业工程学院, 广州 510225; 2广州普邦园林股份有限公司, 广州 530000;3深圳园林股份有限公司, 广东深圳 518021)
  • 出版日期:2020-02-10 发布日期:2020-02-10

Effects of drought stress and rehydration on physiology and biochemistry of leaf color in four species of Commelinaceae.

DENG Lei1, WEN Min1, GUO Wei1*, LIU Ping1, XU Yu-fen1, HONG Lan1, HAN Rui-hong1, WANG Gang2, SUN Yan-jun3   

  1. (1Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China; 2Pubang Landscape Architecture Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 530000, China; 3Shenzhen Landscape Co., Ltd, Shenzhen 518021, Guangdong, China).
  • Online:2020-02-10 Published:2020-02-10

摘要: 以假紫万年青(Belosynapsis ciliata)、细竹篙草(Murdannia simplex)、牛轭草(Murdannia loriformis)、铺地锦竹草(Callisia repens)4种植物为试验材料,探究干旱胁迫及复水对鸭跖草科植物叶色生理生化的影响,为植物栽培及育种提供依据。结果表明:假紫万年青、细竹篙草花色素苷含量在干旱胁迫下显著增加,复水后有一定程度的减少,牛轭草、铺地锦竹草均无显著性变化;4种植物叶绿素含量均先上升后下降,复水后上升,但仍比CK组含量低;假紫万年青、细竹篙草类胡萝卜素含量先增加后减少,其他则先上升后下降再上升;假紫万年青、细竹篙草总抗氧化性随干旱胁迫的加重不断升高,牛轭草、铺地锦竹草先上升后下降;4种植物查尔酮异构酶活性均先增加后降低,与花色素苷含量呈非线性关系,而假紫万年青、细竹篙草苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性不断升高,牛轭草、铺地锦竹草不断下降;假紫万年青、细竹篙草可溶性糖在干旱胁迫下先降低后升高,牛轭草、铺地锦竹草则不断升高,且其丙二醛含量上升幅度大于假紫万年青、细竹篙草。

关键词: 网络分析法, 可达性, 公园绿地

Abstract: Four species (Belosynapsis ciliata, Murdannia simplex, Murdannia loriformis and Callisia repens) from Commelinaceae were used as experimental materials to explore the effects of drought stress and rewatering on the leaf physiological and biochemical characteristics of leaf color, aiming to provide basis for plant cultivation and breeding. The results showed that the content of anthocyanin in Belosynapsis ciliata and Murdannia simplex significantly increased under drought stress, and decreased to some extent after rewatering. There was no change of anthocyanin content in Murdannia loriformis and Callisia repens. The chlorophyll content of four species increased first and then decreased, and increased after rewatering; but still lower than that in CK. The carotenoid content of Belosynapsis ciliata and Murdannia simplexincreased first and then decreased, while it increased first, decreased and then increased for the other two species. The total antioxidant capacity of Belosynapsis ciliata and Mrdannia simplex increased with drought stress, while that of Murdannia loriformis and Callisia repens increased first and then decreased. The chalcone isomerase activity of the four species increased first and then decreased, and it was nonlinearly related to anthocyanin content. The phenylalanine ammonia lyase activities of Belosynapsis ciliata and Murdannia simplex increased, while that of Murdannia loriformis and Callisia repens decreased. The soluble sugar content of Belosynapsis ciliata and Murdannia simplex decreased first and then increased under drought stress, while that of Murdannia loriformis and Callisia repens increased. The increases of malondialdehyde content in Murdannia loriformisand Callisia repens were much higher than that inBelosynapsis ciliata and Murdannia simplex.

Key words: network analysis method., accessibility, urban park