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  1. (陕西省植物资源保护与利用工程技术研究中心, 陕西省西安植物园(陕西省植物研究所), 西安 710061)
  • 出版日期:2020-01-10 发布日期:2020-01-10

Research advances of invasive alien plant Amaranthus retroflexus L.

WEI Ying, LI Qian, LI Yang, MAO Zhu-xin, WANG Yu-chao, YUE Ming*   

  1. (Shaanxi Engineering Research Centre for Conservation and Utilization of Botanical Resources, Xi’an Botanical Garden of Shaanxi Province (Institute of Botany of Shaanxi Province), Xi’an 710061, China).
  • Online:2020-01-10 Published:2020-01-10

摘要: 本文对反枝苋生物学特性、入侵过程及可能分布区域与影响其分布的相关因子、除防、应用的相关研究进行了综述。结果发现:反枝苋种子能够适应较广的萌发条件,特别是在高温条件下具有高萌发率;反枝苋能够调整生物量及生理生化过程来应对环境变化,具有很强的可塑性;随着气候环境的变化,反枝苋的入侵持续进行,下一步将会向中国西南地区入侵;研制、筛选新型除草剂及探索除草剂的施用方法是目前针对反枝苋产生抗药性的解决途径;反枝苋具有较高的营养价值及药用价值,且在植物修复方面具有潜在前景。目前对反枝苋的研究还存在不足,应在以下方面进行加强:(1)在环境压力下的适应性进化机制及快速适应性的分子基础;(2)对入侵地土壤微生物群落、植物群落及动物的影响及其机制的研究;(3)平衡应用与防御之间的矛盾。

关键词: 蚯蚓, 抗氧化反应, 铜, 生长, 毒死蜱

Abstract: We reviewed research progress on the biological characteristics, invasion and expansion history, possible distribution area, environmental limiting factors, control methods and application ofAmaranthus retroflexusL. The results showed that A. retroflexus could adapt to a wide range of germination conditions, especially at high temperature. A. retroflexus can adjust its biomass allocation and physiological and biochemical processes to cope with environmental change. This species has strong phenotypic plasticity. Under global climate change, its invasion is continuing and it will expand to southwest China. Developing and screening new herbicides and exploring the application methods are the solutions to reply the resistance to drugs of A. retroflexus.A. retroflexus has high nutritional and medicinal value, as well as potential use in phytoremediation. Current research on this species is still insufficient; following issues should be strengthened: (1) adaptive evolutionary mechanism under environmental pressure and molecular basis of rapid adaptation; (2) its effect on soil microbial community, plant community structure and animals in the invaded area and the underlying mechanism; (3) balancing between the application and prevention of A. retroflexus invasion.

Key words: Cu, antioxidant response., growth, chlorpyrifos, earthworm