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  1. 1沈阳农业大学林学院树木年轮实验室/辽河平原森林生态系统定位研究站, 沈阳 110866;2中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京 100101)
  • 出版日期:2019-03-10 发布日期:2019-03-10

Response of Larix olgensis at different elevations to climate change in the context of climate warming.

ZHAO Xue-peng1, BAI Xue-ping1, LI Jun-xia1, WANG Li-li2, ZHANG Xian-liang1, LU Xu1, CHEN Zhen-ju1*   

  1. (1Tree Ring Laboratory, College of Forestry, Shenyang Agricultural University/Research Station of LiaoRiver Plain Forest Ecosystem, Shenyang 110866, China; 2Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China).
  • Online:2019-03-10 Published:2019-03-10

摘要: 为研究气候变暖背景下长白山北坡长白落叶松(Larix olgensis)径向生长对气候因子的响应,采集长白山北坡两个海拔(1400和900 m)的树芯,基于树木年代学理论建立了长白落叶松年轮宽度年表,分析了长白落叶松在两个时间段(1959—1993和1994—2009年)与气候因子的关系。结果显示:(1)1959—2009年经历了一次突变性增温,突变年份为1993年;(2)高海拔长白落叶松与生长季前的平均气温和平均最高温(当年4月)呈显著正相关,与当年9月降水呈显著负相关。而低海拔长白落叶松径向生长主要受当年9月降水的影响;(3)经近十几年的快速升温,长白山落叶松生长对气候因子的响应发生了明显的变化。在突变增温前后,高海拔长白落叶松径向生长与生长季前气温的正相关性明显增强,而与生长季气温的相关性由正转负,与9月降水的负相关性增强。低海拔长白落叶松径向生长与9月降水的相关性减弱,与4月降水的相关性增强;(4)1993年以后的快速升温使得高海拔长白落叶松生长量(BAI)显著增加,而低海拔长白落叶松生长的增长幅度不明显。因此,突变增温促进了高海拔长白落叶松的生长,而对低海拔长白落叶松的生长没有较大的影响。可以预测,若气候持续变暖,长白山落叶松的分布范围会逐渐扩大。

关键词: CO2浓度增高, CH4排放, N2O排放, 稻田

Abstract: To examine the radial growth responses of Larix olgensis to climate factors under climate change in the north slope of Changbai Mountain, we sampled tree cores from two sites, located at different elevations (900 and 1400 m a.s.l.). The treering width chronologies of L. olgensis were established based on theories of dendrochronology. The relationship between L. olgensis and climate factors in two periods (1959-1993 and 1994-2009) was analyzed. Theresults showed that: (1) A sudden warming occurred during 1959-2009, with a breakpoint in 1993; (2) The response of radial growth of L. olgensis to climate factors varied between different elevations. Tree-ring width was significantly positively correlated with mean temperature of pre-growing season (April) and negatively correlated with precipitation of September at high elevation; while the significantly positive correlation between tree growth and the precipitation of September existed at low elevation; (3) With the rapid warming over the past ten years, the growth of L. olgensis showed significant variations in the response to climate factors. After warming accelerating, at high elevation, the positive correlation between tree growth and temperature of pregrowing season was significantly enhanced, and the negative correlation between treegrowth and mean temperature of the growing season as well as precipitation in September was enhanced. Radial growth ofL. olgensisshowed a decreasing positive response to precipitation in September and an increasing positive response to precipitation in April at low elevation; (4) The basal area increment (BAI) was significantly increased at high elevation, but that at low elevation was not obvious after the accelerating warming since 1993. Therefore, the situation of accelerating warming promoted tree growth at high elevation, but did not affect it at low elevation. It can be predicted that the natural distribution range of L. olgensis will expand with continuing climate warming.