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  1. (1昆明理工大学现代农业工程学院, 昆明 650500; 2云南云交建工程试验检测有限公司, 昆明 650216)
  • 出版日期:2019-02-10 发布日期:2019-02-10

Effects of moistube patterns and fertilization levels on growth and physiological characteristics of blueberry.

SUN Guang-zhao1, LIU Xiao-gang1*, YU Xiao-di1,2, PENG You-liang1, LENG Xian-xian1, HUANG Yi-feng1, YANG Qi-liang1   

  1. (1Faculty of Modern Agricultural Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China; 2Yunnan Yunjiao Construction Engineering Test and Detection Company, Kunming 650216, China).
  • Online:2019-02-10 Published:2019-02-10

摘要: 为探明微润灌溉与施肥对蓝莓(夏普蓝)生长发育及光合特性的影响,通过小区试验,研究了微润管水平布置(LM)、微润管竖插布置(UM)和微润管圆形布置(RM) 3种布设方式和0 g·株-1(F0)、10 g·株-1(F1)、20 g·株-1(F2)和30 g·株-1(F3) 4个施肥水平对蓝莓生长、叶绿素含量、净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、干物质累积和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:与LM相比,UM增加蓝莓PnTr、干物质累积量和水分利用效率分别为21.47%、16.67%、16.90%和27.35%,RM分别增加24.82%、38.66%、39.66%和44.35%,并且RM显著增加株高、地茎、新枝长度和叶绿素含量;随着施肥量增加,蓝莓株高、地茎、新枝长度和叶绿素含量均先增加后减少;与F0相比,F2处理提高PnTr、干物质累积量和水分利用效率分别为14.74%、13.49%、22.62%和21.09%;与LMF0相比,LMF2、UMF2、RMF2处理干物质累积量分别增加17.53%、40.58%、61.14%,水分利用效率分别增加17.53%、53.14%、66.55%;从高效节水的角度考虑,蓝莓的最佳微润灌溉和施肥组合模式为RMF2

关键词: 板栗, 土壤肥力, 枝干病害, 回归分析

Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of ‘Sharpblue’ blueberry under different treatments of moistube irrigation and fertilization. The experiment followed a randomized block design, with three moistube patterns (LM: level setting of moistube, UM: upright setting of moistube, RM: round setting of moistube) and four fertilization levels (F0: 0 g·plant-1, F1: 10 g·plant-1, F2: 20 g·plant-1 and F3: 30 g·plant-1). We examined the effects of different moistube patterns and fertilization levels on the growth, chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), dry matter accumulation, and water use efficiency of blueberry. The results showed that compared with LM treatment, UM increased Pn, Tr, dry matter accumulation, and water use efficiency by 21.47%, 16.67%, 16.90% and 27.35%, while RM increased those variables by 24.82%, 38.66%, 39.66% and 44.35%, respectively. RM treatment significantly increased plant height, stem diameter, new shoot length, and chlorophyll content of blueberry. With increasing fertilization levels, plant height, stem diameter, new shoot length and chlorophyll content of blueberry first increased and then decreased. Compared with F0 treatment, F2 increased Pn, Tr, dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency by 14.74%, 13.49%, 22.62% and 21.09%, respectively. Compared with LMF0 treatment, the dry matter accumulation of LMF2, UMF2 and RMF2 was increased by17.53%, 40.58% and 61.14%, and water use efficiency was increased by 17.53%, 53.14% and 66.55%, respectively. From the perspective of high efficiency and water saving, RMF2 was the best combination of moistube irrigation and fertilization.

Key words: Chestnut, Soil fertility, Stem diseases, Regression analysis