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戴皖宁,王丽学*,Ismail Khan,王晓帆,李振华   

  1. (沈阳农业大学水利学院, 沈阳 110866)
  • 出版日期:2019-03-10 发布日期:2019-03-10

Effects of straw mulching and biochar addition on soil temperature and maize yield.

DAI Wan-ning, WANG Li-xue*, Ismail KHAN, WANG Xiao-fan, LI Zhen-hua   

  1. (College of Water Conservancy, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China).
  • Online:2019-03-10 Published:2019-03-10


为了探究秸秆覆盖和生物炭对土壤温度和玉米产量的影响,设置2种覆盖方式(不覆盖和秸秆覆盖)和3个生物炭施用量水平(0、4和12 t·hm-2)的田间小区试验,对玉米田间地温和产量及产量性状进行分析。结果表明:秸秆覆盖显著降低土壤温度,降温效应在不同土层上表现为随土层深度的增大而减小,在全生育期内表现为前期大、后期小的变化趋势;在不同覆盖条件下,生物炭对地温的影响有所不同,在不覆盖条件下,生物炭处理有增温保温效应,随生物炭施用量的增大而增大;在秸秆覆盖条件下,生物炭对0~10 cm土层有降温效应,而对15~25 cm土层则有增温效应;秸秆覆盖和生物炭处理均能显著提高玉米产量、产量构成和经济系数,其中秸秆覆盖和12 t·hm-2生物炭组合处理的玉米产量最高,产量、产量构成和经济系数显著高于对照,较对照分别提高24.2%、6.4%~15.7%和15.0%;各产量构成因素中穗长和行粒数对产量影响最大,其中穗长与产量表现为负相关关系,行粒数与产量表现为正相关关系。

Abstract: To explore the effects of straw mulching and biochar addition on soil temperature and maize yield, a field experiment was conducted following two-factor split-plot design, with two types of mulching (non-mulching, straw mulching) as main plots and three levels of biochar application (0, 4 and 12 t·hm-2) as sub-plots. Maize grain yield, yield omponents, and soil temperature in different soil depths were measured. The results showed that straw mulching decreased soil temperature, with such effect decreased with increasing soil depth. Soil temperature showed a large change in the early growth period and a small change in the later period. Under different cover conditions, biochar addition had different effects on soil temperature. Under the nonmulching condition, biochar addition increased soil temperature, with the magnitude of such effect positively depending on application rates. Under straw mulching condition, biochar amendment resulted in a lower soil temperature in the 0-10 cm soil layer but an increase in 15-25 cm soil layer in vertical dimension. Straw mulching and biochar treatments significantly increased maize yield, yield composition and economic coefficient. The highest yield was achieved at the treatment of straw mulching incorporating with 12 t·hm-2 biochar; this treatment increased grain yield, its components and economic coefficient by 24.2%, 6.4%-15.7% and 15% respectively, compared to the non-mulching and biochar-free treatment. Among all yield components, spike length and grain number had the greatest impacts on yield. Grain yield was negatively correlated with spike length and positively correlated with grain number.