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生态学杂志 ›› 2012, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (07): 1685-1690.

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇

基于C值和>5 ℃积温的内蒙古自治区植被-气候分类


  1. 1天津师范大学城市与环境科学学院,天津 300387;2北京师范大学全球变化与地球系统科学研究院,北京 100875)
  • 出版日期:2012-07-10 发布日期:2012-07-10

Vegetation-climate classification in Inner Mongolia based on Cvalue and >5 °C accumulated temperature.

SUN Yan-ling1, YAN Xiao-dong2**   

  1. (1College of Urban and Environmental Science, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China; 2College of Global Change and Earth System Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
  • Online:2012-07-10 Published:2012-07-10

摘要: C值是崔启武(1981)提出的一个水热联系方程的参数,代表了一个地区的干湿状况。本研究根据150个气象站点资料,计算了内蒙古自治区1961—1990年30年平均C值和>5 ℃积温,并生成空间分布图。结合内蒙古自治区植被地带分布图,绘制了内蒙古10个植被地带的C值和>5 ℃积温的散点图,较好地表现了内蒙古各植被带与气候指标的关系,并确定了内蒙古各植被带的C值和>5 ℃积温的界限。根据确定的各个植被带的C值和>5 ℃积温的界限,模拟了内蒙古自治区植被带的空间分布。通过Kappa一致性检验结果表明,C值与>5 ℃积温结合可以较好地反映内蒙古植被地带的空间分布状况。作为一个综合气候指标,C值为模拟内蒙古植被带分布提供了重要信息。

关键词: 发展机理, 可持续生计, 非农性指数, 参与式农村评估, 连片特困区

Abstract: C value is a parameter of the water-heat correlative equation proposed by Qiwu Cui (1981), which characterizes the dryness or wetness of a region. Based on the  observation data from 150 weather stations in Inner Mongolia in 1961-1990, this paper calculated the mean annual C value and >5 °C accumulated temperature (AT5) over the 30-year period in this region, and spatially interpolated them into raster grids with 8 km resolution by Kriging. In combining with the map of vegetation regionalization, a scatter plot map of C value and AT5 for ten vegetation zones in Inner Mongolia was produced, which better reflected the relationships between the vegetation zones and climatic indices in Inner Mongolia. The ranges ofC value and AT5 for each vegetation zone were determined. According to the determined C value and AT5, the spatial distribution of the vegetation zones in Inner Mongolia was simulated. Kappa test showed that C value combined with AT5 could better reflect the spatial distribution of vegetation zones in Inner Mongolia. As a comprehensive climatic index, C value could provide important information for simulating the distribution of vegetation zones in Inner Mongolia.

Key words: development mechanism, sustainable livelihoods, non-agricultural index, participatory rural appraisal, concentrated poverty area.