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生态学杂志 ›› 2011, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (04): 837-844.

• 方法与技术 • 上一篇    


郑有飞1,2**,陈鹏2,吴荣军2,Xiwu Zhan3,Christopher Hain3,Jicheng Liu3   

  1. 1江苏省大气环境监测与污染控制高技术研究重点试验室, 南京 210044;2南京信息工程大学环境科学与工程学院, 南京 210044;3The Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR), National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS), NOAA, USA
  • 出版日期:2011-04-08 发布日期:2011-04-08

Remote sensing estimation models for land surface evapotranspiration and their applications in agricultural drought monitoring.

ZHENG You-fei1,2, CHEN Peng2, WU Rong-jun2, Xiwu ZHAN3, Christopher HAIN3, Jicheng LIU3   

  1. 1Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Atmospheric Environment Monitoring and Pollution Control, Nanjing 210044, China|2College of Environmental Science and Engineering, |Nanjing University of Information Science &|Technology, Nanjing 210044, China|3The Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR), National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS), NOAA, USA
  • Online:2011-04-08 Published:2011-04-08

摘要: 蒸散是地表水热交换的主要过程,其空间特征差异明显,而遥感技术的发展与应用使得区域蒸散估算成为现实。本文介绍了基于能量平衡法的单层与双层遥感蒸散模型,并对这2类遥感模型的优缺点分别进行了评述和比较。重点综述了近年来得到发展和应用的大气-陆地交换反演模型(ALEXI),阐述其主要结构、特色和过程。该模型通过耦合双层能量平衡模型(TSEB)和简化边界层模型,减少以往模型对台站气象数据的依赖,明显提高区域蒸散估算精度。研究表明,基于该模型的蒸散胁迫指数(ESI)具有很强的区域干旱监测能力。在今后研究中,多元遥感数据融合技术、陆面数据同化系统与遥感蒸散模型的结合将成为该领域的研究热点。

关键词: 土壤基础呼吸作用, 脲酶, 转化酶, 酸性磷酸单酯酶, 茶树根层, 红壤

Abstract: Evapotranspiration (ET) is the major process of Earth’s surface water and heat exchange, and has obvious spatial variation. The development and application of remote sensing technology make the regional estimation of ET realistic. This paper reviewed the research progress in the remote sensing regional ET estimation models, including single and two-layer models based on land surface energy balance, with the focus on the algorithm and characteristics of the Atmosphere-Land Exchange Inverse model (ALEXI) developed in recent years. To overcome the limitation of meteorological data, the ALEXI was coupled with Two-Source Energy Balance model (TSEB) and simplified atmospheric boundary layer model, and thereby, improved the estimation accuracy. Substantial studies showed that the ALEXI evaporative stress index (ESI) had strong capacity in regional drought monitoring. In order to give a better operational drought monitoring service, the combination of multi-source remote sensing data fusion technology, land surface data assimilation system, and remote sensing ET estimation models could be an important research field in the future.

Key words: Soil basal respiration potential, Urease, Invertase, Acid phosphomonoesterase, Tea bushes, Red soil