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生态学杂志 ›› 2010, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (04): 766-775.

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 兰州大学资源环境学院| 兰州 730000
  • 出版日期:2010-04-09 发布日期:2010-04-09

Characteristics and cause analysis of land use/cover change in Dunhuang City.

YANG Li-na, NIU Shu-wen, MA Li-bang, LI Yi-xin   

  1. College of Earth and Environmental Science, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • Online:2010-04-09 Published:2010-04-09

摘要: 利用ArcGIS 9.2软件,结合野外调查,对敦煌市1987、1996和2007年3期Landsat5-TM遥感影像进行解译,并分8个类型分析了土地利用/覆盖变化的特征及成因。结果表明:近20年来敦煌市呈现出植被覆盖程度不断降低、覆盖面积减小的趋势,其中耕作区、城建用地和无植被区面积净增,其他5类用地面积净减;8类用地类型之间互有转换,转移的主要方向是部分草地和无植被区转变为耕作区,水域湿地和灌木林地转变为草地,草地由高覆盖、中覆盖、低覆盖到无植被区逐次转变;除了耕作区边缘植被覆盖程度有所增加外,其他区域退化趋势明显;引起LUCC的自然因素中气温升高的影响较大,而人文因素中土地开垦、增加灌溉的影响较大。

关键词: 刈牧强度, 冷蒿, 生长, 资源分配

Abstract: By using ArcGIS 9.2 software in combining with field survey, the Landsat5-TM remote sensing images of Dunhuang City in 1987, 1996, and 2007 were interpreted. A total of eight land use/cover types were obtained, and the characteristics and causes of the land use/cover change were analyzed. In the past 20 years, the vegetation coverage in the City had a declining trend, and the coverage area was decreasing. Among the eight land use types, the cropland, urban construction land, and non-vegetation land had a net increase in their area, while the other five land use types presented a net decrease. There were inter-conversions among the eight land use types, and the main directions were: parts of grassland and non-vegetation land transformed into croplands, parts of wetland and shrub land transformed into grassland, and high coverage grassland was successively transformed into medium coverage grassland, low coverage grassland, and non-vegetation land. Except that the vegetation coverage in the edge area of cropland had somewhat increase, the vegetations in the other areas degenerated obviously. Elevated air temperature was the important natural factor affecting the land use/cover change, and land reclamation and irrigation were the important human factors affecting this change.

Key words: Grazing and clipping intensity, Artemisia frigida, Growth, Resource allocation