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生态学杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 1102-1112.doi: 10.13292/j.1000-4890.202403.017

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (海南大学热带农林学院, 海口 570228)
  • 出版日期:2024-04-10 发布日期:2024-04-09

Response of seed dormancy release to temperature in three Mimosa species in China.

WU Yanna, TANG Li, WAN Qi, GUO Changlin, LUO Kai, CHEN Yinhua, ZHANG Rui*   

  1. (School of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China).
  • Online:2024-04-10 Published:2024-04-09

摘要: 种子休眠与萌发对温度的响应与该物种的生态分布密切相关。研究入侵杂草种子休眠释放对温度的响应,对预测其潜在入侵区域和防范控制等具有重要意义。本研究以热带地区常见的3种含羞草属(Mimosa)植物,即含羞草(M. pudia)、巴西含羞草(M. diplotricha)和无刺含羞草(M. diplotricha var. inermis)种子为对象,设置不同温度(25、30、35和40 ℃)的萌发试验,研究温度对种子休眠释放的影响。结果表明:(1)3种含羞草属植物种子均存在物理休眠,含羞草、巴西含羞草和无刺含羞草种子硬实率分别为91%、96%和100%;(2)40 ℃高温能有效促进含羞草种子的物理休眠释放。通过种皮显微结构的观察,巴西含羞草和无刺含羞草种子的栅栏层下面是由一层具有增厚和木质化细胞壁的骨状石细胞和几层硬化的薄壁组织构成,而在含羞草种子的栅栏层下面则仅有几层硬化的薄壁组织;高温通过改变种皮表面种脊、种脐和发芽口等种皮特殊部位的结构增加其透性,从而有效破除含羞草种子的物理休眠。研究结果可为抵御该物种在我国进一步入侵以及减轻其生态危害提供理论参考。

关键词: 含羞草属, 休眠释放, 萌发, 高温, 入侵杂草

Abstract: The response of seed dormancy and germination to temperature is closely related to species distribution. Understanding the response of weed seed germination to temperature is of great significance for predicting its potential invasion area and preventing and controlling. In this study, we examined the response of seed dormancy and germination of three common tropical Mimosa species (M. pudia, M. diplotricha and M. diplotricha var. inermis) to temperature variation (25, 30, 35 and 40 ℃). The results showed that: (1) Seeds of three Mimosa species had physical dormancy. The seed hardness percentage of M. pudia, M. diplotricha, and M. diplotricha var. inermis were 91%, 96%, and 100%, respectively. (2) High temperature (40 ℃) could effectively promote the release of physical dormancy of M. pudia seeds. According to the observation of seed coat microstructure, under the palisade layer of M. diplotricha and M. diplotricha var. inermis seeds were composed of a layer of osteosclereids with thickened and lignified cell walls and several layers of hardened parenchyma tissue. There were only a few layers of hardened parenchyma tissue under the palisade layer of M. pudia seeds. High temperature increased the permeability of seed coat structure of special parts, such as lens, hilum, and micropyle, thereby effectively breaking the physical dormancy of M. pudia seeds. Our results can provide basic theoretical reference for resisting the further invasion of this species in China and reducing its ecological harm.

Key words: Mimosa, dormancy release, germination, high temperature, invasive weed