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生态学杂志 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12): 4005-4014.doi: 10.13292/j.1000-4890.202012.032

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (中国水稻研究所水稻生物学国家重点实验室, 杭州 310006)
  • 出版日期:2020-12-10 发布日期:2021-06-10

Effects of biodegradable film mulching on nitrogen use efficiency and yield of machine-transplanted rice.

HU Guo-hui, WANG Ya-liang, WANG Jun-ke, ZHU De-feng, CHEN Hui-zhe, XIANG Jing, ZHANG Yi-kai, ZHANG Yu-ping*   

  1. (China National Rice Research Institute/State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology, Hangzhou 310006, China).
  • Online:2020-12-10 Published:2021-06-10

摘要: 明确生物可降解膜覆盖对机插水稻氮肥利用率和产量的影响,以期为水稻稳产高产和绿色高效提供一种新的种植模式。2018年和2019年开展大田试验,在机插种植下设置3个氮肥水平,分别是0、195、240 kg·hm-2;在生物可降解膜覆盖机插种植下设置3个氮肥水平,分别是158.4、195、240 kg·hm-2,研究生物可降解膜覆盖对机插水稻氮肥利用率和产量的影响。结果表明:同一种植模式下,水稻产量随施氮量的增加而增加;相同施氮量下,与对照相比,覆膜水稻产量均有显著提高,2018和2019年分别增产4.1%和6.1%。覆膜种植能够提高各生育期干物质积累量和氮素积累量,相同施氮量下,成熟期覆膜水稻氮素积累量在2018年和2019年分别增加2.5%和5.8%。氮肥农学利用率(NAE)、氮肥偏生产力(NPP)、氮素生产效率(NPE)和氮收获指数(NHI)会随施氮量的增加而降低,两年结果表现一致,相同施氮量下,覆膜处理与对照相比,能显著提高氮肥农学利用率(NAE)、氮肥回收利用率(NRE)、氮肥偏生产力(NPP)和氮肥干物质生产效率(NMPE)。覆膜种植能够提高功能叶片硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)和谷氨酸合酶(GOGAT)的活性,特别是在生育后期能有效延缓其活性的下降。光合速率在齐穗期后10 d显著增加6.5%,维持了后期较好的光合生产能力。在减氮18.8%条件下,覆膜种植也能显著提高水稻氮肥利用率和产量,而且生物可降解膜能够避免塑料薄膜对环境的污染,为水稻绿色生产和减氮增效提供新的技术途径。

关键词: 生物可降解膜, 氮肥利用率, 产量, 机插, 水稻

Abstract: To clarify the effects of biodegradable film mulching on nitrogen (N) use efficiency and yield of machine-transplanted rice and provide a new planting model for stable and high yield of rice and green efficiency, we carried out a field experiment in 2018 and 2019, under ordinary machine planting with three N fertilization levels (0, 195, 240 kg·hm-2) and under machine planting with biodegradable film mulching and three N fertilization levels (158.4, 195, 240 kg·hm-2). The results showed that under the same planting pattern, rice yield increased with increasing N application levels. Under the same N application level, the yield of filmmulched rice significantly increased by 4.1% and 6.1% in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Film mulching increased the dry matter accumulation and N accumulation at each growth stage. Under the same N application level, the N accumulation of film-mulched rice at mature stage increased by 2.5% and 5.8% in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Nitrogen partial factor productivity (NPP), N production efficiency (NPE), and N harvest index (NHI) all decreased with increasing N application level across both years. Under the same N application level, N agronomic efficiency (NAE), N recovery efficiency (NRE), N partial productivity (NPP), and N dry matter production efficiency (NMPE) of rice were higher under film mulching. Film mulching increased the activities of nitrate reductase (NR), glutamine synthetase (GS), and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) in functional leaves, especially at the late stage of growth, which could effectively delay the decline of their activities. Compared with the control, the film mulched rice significantly increased photosynthetic rate by 6.5% at 10 days after the full heading stage. Under the condition of reducingnitrogen by 18.8%, film mulching significantly improved N utilization and yield of rice. Moreover, biodegradable films avoided the environmental pollution of plastic films, providing a new technical approach for green production, N-saving and efficiency-increasing of rice.

Key words: biodegradable film, nitrogen use efficiency, yield, machine-transplanted, rice.