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    10 April 1993, Volume 12 Issue 02
    Rural Development and Agro-ecological Research in 1990s
    Peng Tingbai
    1993, (2):  2-3. 
    Asbtract ( 1221 )   PDF (205KB) ( 194 )  
    In order to approach the related problems of China's agro-ecological research in 1990s,this paper ana-lyzed the new trends of structural changes in rural economy and agro- ecology.under condition of socialistmarket economy expounded some viewpoints on the coordinative development of agro-ecology and agro-economy,the strengthening of absorbing science and technology in countrysides and the reaching identityof ecolomical development of collective and individual economies,Based on these,the task,content andmethod of agro-ecological research in 1990s,the ways of agro-ecological research be geared to theneeds of production practice and the further standardization and systematization of agro-ecological con-cepts and theories are discussed.
    Review and Perspective on Development of Agroecology China.
    Luo Shiming
    1993, (2):  4-6. 
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    In last decade, great progress has been made in the teaching and research of agricultural ecology in China, but some obstacles still exist on how to understand agroecology.If we can recognize the social de-mand of agroecology and its position in agricultural science and pay attention to the description,assessment, experiment and analysis of agroecosystem models,the quantitative as well as qualitative aspects,the flowing as well as nonflowing elements of agroecosystem models and the variation patterns of modelalong environmental gradients, agroecology will have even greater development in China both in theoryand in application.
    Strengthening Experixnental Researcbes of Agroecology
    Wen Dazhong
    1993, (2):  8-10. 
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    This paper describes three basic research approaches in ecological studies,and emphasizes on the importance of experimental approach,which should be considered as a basic research approach of agroecology.Hoviever,current experimental studies of agroecology in China needs to be strengthened, and more efforts are needed to improve experimental research facilities.Some suggestions are given for improving ex-perimental studies of agroecology in China.
    Agroecological Tkeory and Its Practical Development
    Lei Shengyuan
    1993, (2):  11-12. 
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    Agro ecology originates from general ecology,but its theory and methodology are quite specific.In order to make agroecology better serve the protection of ecological environment and the development of agricultural production,it's necessary to develop the theory of agroecology,replenish its basic knowledgeand strengthen the training of basic technical ability in agroecology teaching.
    Sustainable Agriculture—The Continuation and Development of Ecological Agriculture.
    Yuan Congyi, Zhao Qiangji
    1993, (2):  13-15. 
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    In light of the condition of our country, this paper introduces the concepts and contents of sustainable a-griculture and its quantitative evaluation indices ──sustainability, stability,equality and harmonity(di-versity).Simplified system input—output equilibrium is used to estimate the dynamics of soil fertility.Probations at state, province,county and village levels have proved its satisfactorily feasibility.
    Sustainable Agriculture and China's Ecological Agriculture
    Li Pingping, Zhang Xigu
    1993, (2):  16-18. 
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    The background,concept and characteristics of sustainable agriculture are discussed, and its similaritiesand differences to China's ecological agriculture are described.It's considered that China's ecological agriculture is a concrete reflection of sustainable agriculture and a successful model for agricultural development.
    Ecological Agriculture and Sustainable Development of Rural Economy
    Zhang Renwu, Ji Wenying, Sun Hongliang
    1993, (2):  19-20. 
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    This paper briefly presents the current development of ecological agriculture in China and compares with the “sustainable agriculture and rural development”(SARD) put forward by FAO, China's sustainable agriculture is not only an ingenious combination of traditional and advanced agro-techniques, but also asystem engineering of modern agriculture.
    Quantification of Agrosystem Productivity(ASP)and Analysis on its Current Situation in Cbina
    Lu Jin-deng, Han Chunru
    1993, (2):  21-22. 
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    Based on a brief analysis on the formation process of ASP, its concept is described and an integrated indi-cator for its quantification—ASP2 is put forwards.From those,the ASP levels in various regions of China are analyzed and 8 levels are divided by using.Hierarchic clustering method.It's:clarified that AS-PI is a more reasonable indicator for the ecolomic evaluation of agrosystem.
    An Analytical Model of Agroecosystem from Human Ecology Perspective
    Li Ji
    1993, (2):  23-24. 
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    Based on the analysis of our current agro-ecological rcsearch,a new analytical model of agro-ecosystemkestablished andthe contents of its research are restructured.The aim of these is to provide a model forthe development of regional agriculture,which can not only expand the current related theories andmethodologies,but also benefit the applied researches.
    Current Situation and Prospect of Agro-ecosystem Research in the Yangtze River Basin
    Xu Qi
    1993, (2):  25-26. 
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    The current situation of agro-ecosystem research in the Yangtze River basin are briefly introduced andthe further main research fields are proposed from the view of agricultural sustainability.
    Strategies for Developing Sustainable Agriculture in Tai Lake Region
    Yang Linzhang, Xu Qi
    1993, (2):  27-28. 
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    Problems and challenges faced by agricultural development in Tai Lake region,one of the most industrial-ized regions in China are discussed and strategies for developing its sustainable agriculture are proposed inthis paper.
    Grassdyke-FishpOnd Ecosystem──Its Energy Conversion and Econolnic Benefit
    Wang Dejian, Xu Qi, Liu Yuanchang
    1993, (2):  29-30. 
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    Using simulation test method,the energy conversion in a grassdyhe-fishpond ecosystem is studied, and with a productive system as control,the economic benefit of the ecosystem is analyzed.The results show :1.the utilization rate of solar energy by grass is 0.6%,and the conversion efficiency from grass to fish is respectively 7.5% and 9.5% for tested and productive fishponds,2.farming fish with grass had a bet- ter benefit than to those of pig-raising and cropping.
    Biological Nitrogen Fixation—An Important Running Factor of Ecological Agriculture
    Chen Shiping
    1993, (2):  31-33. 
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    Leguminous green manure crops such as sweet clover and Astragalus huangheensis,can provide definiteamount of biologically fixed-Nto make N-budget balance, promote soil physical and chemical proper-ties,reduce soil and water erosion,and thus,increase per unit area yield and total output when grown inrotation or intercropping with cereal crops and fruit trees,can also promote the development of animalhusbandry,push forward the cycling of the whole agricultural ecosystem and enhance its overall function.Azolla (Azolla filiculoides Lamk),a species of aquatic fern possessing a strong ability of biological N-fix-ation,is a good green manure crop in paddy fields and good green forage for animals.
    Combination Models of “Ton Grain Yielding Field” in Chongqing Area and Tkeir Benefit Analysis
    ZhengQinyu, Zhu Zhijun, Hu Shengrong, Yuan Ke, Lei Yan, Li Dengguo, Cheng Shiyu, Wen Yongxue, Liu Guantang
    1993, (2):  34-36. 
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    In the light of the effects and problems of developing winter-cropping paddy fields in Chongqing area andin order to search after the optimum model of reforming such fields,10 combination models of construct-ing"ton grain yielding field" are selected.They are:1.middle season rice-ratooning rice+r1sh;2.mid-dle-season rice-ratooning rice +fish-duckweed;3 middle-season rice-ratooning rice+fish+veg-etable wildrice;4.middle-season rice-ratooning rice+duck+duck+fish;5.middle-season rice-ra-tooning rice+fish+grape;6.middle-season rice-vegetable-vcgetable, middle-season rice-mush-rooin, 8.middle-season rice-strawberry;9.green manure-tender corn-late rice, and 10.wheat/corn/vegetable-vegetable.Through 3 years application and extension,these models all obtained good economic,social and ecological benefits.
    Dynamics of Soil Organic Matter(SOM) in the Process of Agricultural Intensification
    Cui Yuting, Han Chunru
    1993, (2):  37-38. 
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    In this paper,the balance of soil organic matter(SOM)in the process of agricultural intensification inChangzhou region is studied and a medium-and long-term prediction of its dynamics is made。The re-sults show that during this process, the balance of SOM is getting better,and after a medium or long pe-riod (e.g,10—20 yeats),the SOM content can get to 1—1.25%,which is a balanced value,i.e,themineralized quantity of SOM equals to its humified quantity.
    Modeling of Artificial Complex Ecosystem in Low-hilly Red Soil Region of South Cbina
    Xu Shengrong, Wu Shanmei, Li Huixin
    1993, (2):  39-40. 
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    This paper researches into the modeling of artificial complex ecosystem incorporating crop,fruit,forestand animal husbandry within a catchment area,which is a basic unit of low hilly region in south China.The model produces significant and comprehensive profits.Firstly,the environment for plant growth anddevelopment is improved by establishment of artificial and natural vegetations.Secondly,soil fertility de-terioration is controlled and rational cycling and transformation of soil nutrients are established with thecombination of agriculture and animal husbandry.Thirdly,soil resources are utilized more efficiently andeconomic benefit increases with the change of mono-management system to complex ecosystem.
    Volatilization Loss of NH4+-N from Methane-generating Manure in Rural Households and Its Preven-tion measures
    Lu Mingyuan, Guo Xiuyin, Liang Wenju
    1993, (2):  41-42. 
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    This paper reports the volatilization loss of NH4+-N from methane—generating manure in rural house-holds and suggests some easily accessible measures for reducing this loss and preventing atmospheric pol-lution.
    Evaluation of Cropping Structure Adjustlnents in Southern Jiangsu from the Viewpoints of Nicbe Tkeory
    Gao Deming
    1993, (2):  43-44. 
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    According to the concrete conditions in southern Jiangsu,the significance,necessity and possibility of ad-justing cropping structure are evaluated from the viewpoints of niche theory.The efficiencies of two crop-ping systems in utilizing paddy field niches are analyzed and the results show that the cropping pattern ofwheat intercropped with lettuce,followed by corn and late rice is an effective model to improve niche functions in the district.
    Rural Ecological Engineering on Wetland Plain of Dongting Lakeside
    Yan Fu, You Youlin, Liu Jinfan, Lu Yuande, Zhou Weimin
    1993, (2):  45-48. 
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    According to the main types of resource combinations on wetland plain of Dongting lakeside,several eco-logical engineerings including lakeside reed-forest,lowland rice-fish-ramie,rnanure-forage-fuel,fish-pig-duck and fish,pig-herbage-methane are designed and practiced, and their technological process-es,structures and functions are also analyzed.These engineerings have been preliminarily popularized andshown great significance in the high benefit and sustainable development of rural economy in lakesideplain.
    Breeding Structural Optimizing Model of Upland Agriculture in Mountainous Region
    Wu Minggen, Zhang Zhehong, Li Zongtie, Zheng Zhe
    1993, (2):  49-50. 
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    On the basis of rational distribution of forest,grassland and fruit garden in agroecosystem, the agroeco-logical environment of hilly upland cropping area is improved by readjusting land utilization structure,ex-panding vegetative land area and optimizing breeding structure.None—productive outputs of energy andmaterial are reduced, system mechanisms are improved,and a favorable cycling of grass—animal hus-bandry—soil fertility is established.Cereal and bean yields, total social outputs and per capita income areincreased by 95.59%,1.8 times and 3.1 times respectively.
    Environmental Problems in Agricultural Developlnent of Hubei Province and Their Countermeasures
    Hong Banwang
    1993, (2):  51-52. 
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    This paper summarizes the population growth,drought and flooding calamities and other agro-ecologi-cal environmental problems in Hubei province, and based on the policy of "taking an overall considerationof both mountainous and plain areas",the countermeasures for improving ecological structure and har-nessing mountains and rivers are put forward.
    Evolutionary Analysis on Housekold Ecosystem in HIIIy Regions
    Cao Cougui
    1993, (2):  53-54. 
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    The characteristics of different type household ecosystems and their evolutionary correlations are analyzedusing fuzzy clustering and system synthetic evolution methods,The cause and direction of agricultural development in hilly regions are revealed and suggestions on developing eco-agricultural construction inlower productive hilly regions are made.
    Current Situation and Fertilization Efficiency of High Productive Croplands in Hubei Province
    Sun Xian-rong
    1993, (2):  55-56. 
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    Since 1990, the development of high productive cropland has been accelerated and the effect of its yieldand benefit increase is very obvious,But,whether high yield and high efficiency can be synchronized de-serves close attention,In this research,79 high yield cropping patterns are investigated for three years inHubei and their efficiencies are analyzed.Countermeasures for existing problems are put forward.
    Fodder Resources and Their Utilization Efficiency In Quzhou County
    Cao Zhiping
    1993, (2):  57-58. 
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    This paper analyzes the composition structure and nutrient content of fodder resources in Quzhou countyand their consumption amount and utilization rate by various kinds of livestocks.The relationship be-tween fodder resource and livestocks population structure is also discussed.
    Locational Superiority Analysis of Agroecosystems in West Liaoning Corridor
    Liang Wenju
    1993, (2):  59-60. 
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    Based on the relative aggregation degrees among hierarchies of different agroecosystems,the author pro- posed that locational quotient model could be used to measure the locational superiority of agroecosystem.The main purpose of this paper is to provide a scientific basis for choosing agricultural marketable basesand establishing a high-efficient and sustainable agroecosystem.
    Structural Model and Input-Output Model of Ecolomical Demonstration Project in Kaifeng Starch Fac-tory of Henan Province
    Liu Yucui, Zhao Wei
    1993, (2):  61-65. 
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    Based on the integrity of system and relationship between various subsystems and employing transitionalstructural model,the multilevel gradient structures of system are found from temporal and spatial dimen-sions.According to the dissipate and reproductive features of ecosystem and using input-output correla-tion table,the mathematical models of material,energy and value flows are established.This approachprovides an effective means for the prediction,programming and management of production.
    Contributing Factor and Development Mecbanism of Rural Agro-ecolomic Types in Mid-subtropicalRegion of FuJian Province
    Lin Wenxiong, Wu Zhiqiang, Lin Qunhui, Zheng Shiqing, Wang Songliang, Liang Yiyuan
    1993, (2):  66-68. 
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    Using systematic analysis method the authors studied the statue characteristics and their variation patterns of rural agro-ecolomic type in mid-subtropical region of Fujian province.11 tapes of system structure and their geographical distribution characters are obtained.Suburban type agricuIture is characterized by "planting-processing-trading",mountainous type is characterized by" planting-breedingprocessing",while distant suburban type possesses both of these characters.These three types represent three development stages,i.e.,commodity production stage,transitional agricultural production stage and traditional agricultural production stage, and reflect three cyclic forms,i.e., commodity production cycle,commodity and self-sufficient production dual cycle and self-sufficient cycle.
    Development MOdel of High Yielding Summer Corn on Nortbwest Skandong Plain
    Dong Zhenguo, Lu Quanguo
    1993, (2):  69-72. 
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    Erect and plane varieties of corn have a leaf inclination of 65癮nd 50癮nd their optimum planting densitiesare 75000-82000 and 52500-60000 stems穐a-1.The leaf area index at ear sprouting stage and leaf area day(LAD) for the former are respectively 5.5-6.0 and 360-400,while those for the latter are 3.5-4.0 and 260-300. The LAD ratioes are found to be 3.8,28.1%,58.6% and 11.3% in intervals from emergence to elongation stage,elongation to ear sprouting stage,ear sprouting to milk stage and milk to mature stage with optimum mass structure of the crop.
    Eco-climatic Suitability of Introduced Corn in Mid Sub-tropical Region of China
    Zhai Yushun, Zhang Xugu
    1993, (2):  73-75. 
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    Through analyzing the ecological suitability of introduced corn to sunshine-temperature-precipitation and its climatic potential productivity in mid sub-tropical region of China ,it is found that April and the first and second ten-days of May are optimal for corn seeding ,and "two dry and one wet" cropping system (e>g> ,rape-corn-late rice) on paddy soil and multiple cropping system on upland soil are adaptable to corn production.
    Temperature Adaptability of Major Introduced Forage Specics in Guangdong Province
    Dai Qian, Luo Shiming
    1993, (2):  76-78. 
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    Germination experiments with fixed temperature show that varieties of Stylosanthes require a temperaturehigher than 15℃ to geminate.The computer simulated model can correctly predict the gemination processunder different temperature regimes.Forage plants treated vvith different temperatures show that Paspalum wettsteinii,P.dilatatum,Setaria anceps cv.Narok and Melinis minutiflora can safely get throughboth winter and summer,but Trifolium, repens can not survive over summer in most areas of Guangdongprovince.Macroptilium atropurpureum and varieties of Stylosanthes such as Graham,Cook,Seca and 184can survive over winter only in restricted areas of the province.The relative electronic conductivity ofleaves after temperature treatment show a close relationship with their injuries caused by te
    Vitalizing Herbivorous Animal Husbandry ── An Inevitable Choice for the Development of Ecological Agriculture
    Wang Huizhu, Liu Cunqi, Aikebail. A. Mayila
    1993, (2):  79-80. 
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    In the light of severe situation of our ecological environment and herbivorous animal husbandry,it's pro-posed that under the overall planning and support by the country,to establish a major base of herbivo-rous animal husbandry in Loess Plateau as a strategical measure for vitalizing herbivorous animal hus-bandry could relax the ever degrading eco-environment in China.
    Developing High-efficient Ecological Agriculture and Realizing Trausition from " prilnary Sufficiency"to " Well-off"
    Qian Junli
    1993, (2):  83-84. 
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    Depended upon the development of high-efficient ecological agriculture, the Laohekou municipality hasrealized the transition from"primary sufficiency" to" well-off"。