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  1. (1山西大学环境与资源学院, 太原030006; 2山西省林业调查规划院, 太原 030012)
  • 出版日期:2014-09-10 发布日期:2014-09-10

Estimation of aboveground carbon density for tree forests based on remote sensing data in Yangquan of Shanxi Province, China.

LI Jiao1, ZHANG Hong1**, ZHANG Li-qiu1, HAN Jian-ping2   

  1. (1College of Environment and Resource Sciences, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China; 2 Shanxi Institute of Forestry Inventory and Planning, Taiyuan 030012, China)
  • Online:2014-09-10 Published:2014-09-10


为了建立基于遥感影像和环境因子的森林碳密度估测的有效方法,本文基于2009年森林清查数据和SPOT遥感影像,以山西省阳泉地区为例,采用生物量换算因子连续函数法对研究区乔木林地上生物量和碳密度进行估算;在此基础上,选取遥感影像、环境因子(海拔、坡度、坡向等)为自变量,利用增强型BP神经网络建立研究区乔木林碳密度估算模型并输出空间分布图。结果表明:阳泉地区乔木林生物量为552774 t,碳密度为11.38 t·hm-2;从不同林型、林龄和起源的生物量及碳密度来看,针叶林、幼龄林、人工林的生物量最大,阔叶林、成熟林、天然林的碳密度最大;采用增强型BP神经网络可以很好地模拟乔木林碳密度,针叶林、阔叶林、针阔混交林仿真结果的平均相对误差和平均相对误差的绝对值分别2.40%、6.87%、-4.09%和6.83%、2.77%、3.99%;基于BP神经网络模型输出乔木林碳密度空间分布图,模拟精度达到85.05%,进一步验证了人工神经网络能为森林碳密度提供快速准确的估测,为今后的森林资源调查和管理提供了科学依据。


关键词: 钾, 茶树幼苗, 累积利用, 水培


In order to investigate the feasibility of using remote sensing data to determinate the aboveground carbon density for tree forests, we estimated the biomass and carbon density of forests in Yangquan region of Shanxi Province by using the variable BEF (biomass expansion factor) method based on the forest inventory data. We then selected the NDVI, RVI, bands of SPOT images and environmental factors (elevation, slope, aspect etc.) as independent variables, and established an estimation model by using the enhanced BP neural network method to derive a distribution map of the carbon density. The biomass of tree forests in Yangquan was 552774 t, and the carbon density was 11.38 t·hm-2. Needleleaved forest, young forest and artificial forest had the largest biomass, while broadleaved forest, mature forest and natural forest had the largest carbon density. Model predictions of carbon density were successful, with the average relative errors and the average absolute values of relative error of simulation results for needleleaved forest, broadleaved forest, and mixed forest being 2.40%, 6.87%, -4.09%, and 6.83%, 2.77%, 3.99%, respectively. The simulation accuracy of tree forest distribution map derived by the enhanced BP neural network model was 85.05%, implying that artificial neural networks developed a new idea for fast and accurate estimation of forest carbon density, providing a scientific basis for future survey and management of forest resources.

Key words: hydroponics, potassium, accumulation and utilization, tea seedling