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生态学杂志 ›› 2010, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (09): 1881-1886.

• 方法与技术 • 上一篇    



  1. 北京林业大学园林学院| 国家花卉工程研究中心| 北京 100083
  • 出版日期:2010-09-08 发布日期:2010-09-08

Evaluation of air negative ions concentration in urban green space: A case study in Beijing Olympic Forest Park.

PAN Jian-bin, DONG Li   

  1. Department of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture, Beijing 100083, China
  • Online:2010-09-08 Published:2010-09-08

摘要: 城市绿地空气负离子能够对居民健康起到重要作用。城市绿地区域不同于自然森林环境或城市工业区,故直观、科学、准确的空气负离子浓度分级和评价方法对于研究城市绿地的空气负离子水平至关重要。以北京奥林匹克森林为例,应用空气质量指数评价法和森林空气离子指数评价法,分析了公园空气负离子浓度,结果表明,公园内不同环境样点的负离子浓度和空气清洁度因群落结构、群落类型以及植被郁闭度的不同而存在较大差异。通过对比分析2种评价结果,认为森林空气离子评价指数法能够全面系统地反映不同地点间的负离子浓度差异并便于公众理解,更适用于以北京奥林匹克森林公园为代表的城市绿地的负离子浓度分级及空气清洁度评价。分析结果还表明,与森林空气离子评价指数法相对应的负离子浓度分级标准存在一些不足,本文对此标准进行了局部修正,使其更加适宜于分析和评估城市绿地的负离子浓度水平。

关键词: 水稻, 化感品种, 化感物质, 水肥和光照, 次生物质

Abstract: Negative air ions (NAIs) in urban green space play an important role in improving habitant health. Urban green area has great difference in its NAIs with the natural forest environment or urban industrial area, and thus, an intuitive, scientific, and accurate model of grading and evaluating ANIs is critical to evaluate the NAIs level in urban green space. In this paper, two models for grading and evaluating NAIs, Anbei evaluation model and forest air evaluation model, were employed to evaluate the NAIs concentration in Beijing Olympic Forest Park. There existed great differences in the ANIs concentration and air clear degree among sampling sites, due to the differences in plant community structure, vegetation type, and vegetation coverage. Through the comparison of the evaluation results of the two models, it was found that forest air ion evaluation index could comprehensively and systematically reflect the differences in the NAIs concentration among different sites, being convenient for public’s understanding, and more applicable to the grading of NAIs concentration and the evaluation of air clear degree of urban green space represented by the Beijing Olympic Forest Park. Opposite to the forest air ion evaluation index, the gradation standard of NAIs concentration had some deficiencies. A partial revision of this standard was made so as to make it more suitable for the analysis and assessment of the NAIs concentration in urban green space.

Key words: Rice, Allelopathic variety, Water, Fertility and light, Allelocehmical, Secondary metabolite