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生态学杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 490-500.doi: 10.13292/j.1000-4890.202102.021

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院, 深圳 518055)
  • 出版日期:2021-02-10 发布日期:2021-07-09

A gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern in Huizhou.

WU Zi-jing, LI Zhi-jian*, ZENG Hui   

  1. (School of Urban Planning and Design, Peking University, Shenzhen 518055, China).
  • Online:2021-02-10 Published:2021-07-09

摘要: 本文将景观指数、梯度分析和移动窗口法相结合,分析了惠州市景观格局的空间分异特征。以中心城区为起点,向外等距设置辐射状梯度带;同时结合研究区的特点,设置了4个不同方向的样带。综合运用景观指数粒度效应分析和土地面积变化评价指数模型,确定适合研究区的分析粒度;考虑到景观格局的各向异性,计算不同方向的半变异函数和相应的块基比,确定不同方向样带的分析幅度;采用移动窗口法分析不同方向样带的景观格局特征。结果表明:(1)50 m的栅格大小为适合研究区景观格局分析的粒度值,4条样带上移动窗口的适宜分析尺度分别为750、850、1350、1150 m;(2)从中心城区到外围区域,可将惠州市依次划分为城市中心区、农业区、城市副中心区、过渡区和生态保育区;(3)高强度城市化地区和远郊区的景观组分类型单一,优势度特征明显,城市边缘区或城乡过渡带的景观异质性增加,破碎化程度高;(4)不同方向的样带能够反映景观格局的方向分异特征,是城市景观梯度分析的有效手段。

关键词: 景观格局, 景观指数, 尺度效应, 梯度分析, 惠州

Abstract: We integrated landscape metrics, gradient analysis, and moving window method to analyze the spatial variations of landscape pattern in Huizhou. The radiative gradient zones were set around the downtown by expanding outward at equal distances. Four transects with different directions were set according to the characteristics of the study area. The grain effect analysis of landscape metrics and the land area change evaluation index model were used to determine the appropriate grain for the study area. Considering the anisotropy of landscape pattern, the appropriate spatial extents for different transects were determined by calculating the semivariogram and the corresponding nugget-sill ratio in different directions. The landscape patterns along transects in different directions were analyzed with moving window method. The results showed that: (1) 50 m was an appropriate grain extent for the study area, and the moving window sizes for the four transects were 750, 850, 1350 and 1150 m, respectively. (2) From the center to the periphery, Huizhou can be divided into downtown, agricultural area, urban sub-center area, transition area, and ecological conservation area. (3) Most highly urbanized and exurban areas presented a single landscape component with exclusive advantages. In contrast, the landscape heterogeneity and fragmentation increased in the urban fringe and urban-rural transition zone. (4) Analysis of landscape pattern of different transects can reflect the directional differentiation of the research area, which is an effective means for urban landscape gradient analysis.

Key words: landscape pattern, landscape metrics, scale effect, gradient analysis, Huizhou.