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  1. 1中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所,农业农村部休闲渔业重点实验室, 广州 510380;2上海海洋大学水产与生命学院,上海 201306;3肇庆大华农生物药品有限公司, 广东肇庆 526238)
  • 出版日期:2018-10-10 发布日期:2018-10-10

Killing effect of “Miefeiling” on alien Nile tilapia in ornamental aquaculture.

GU Dang-en1, YU Fan-dong1,2, YANG Ye-xin1, MA Guang-ming1,3, HU Yin-chang1*, MU Xi-dong1, XU Meng1, LIU Chao1, LUO Du1, WEI Hui1   

  1. (1Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Key Laboratory of Recreational Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China, Guangdong Modern Leisure Fisheries Engineering Technology Center, Guangzhou 510380, China; 2College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China; 3Zhaoqing Dahuanong Biology Medicine Co., Ltd., Zhaoqing 526238, Guangdong, China).
  • Online:2018-10-10 Published:2018-10-10

摘要: 为有效清除观赏鱼养殖中混入的外来物种尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus),减少其对养殖品种生长和繁殖的干扰,增加养殖效益,本研究利用大型观赏鱼池塘,通过两次投放0.16 mg·L-1的“灭非灵”,对罗非鱼特异性杀灭药物“灭非灵”的杀灭效果进行了验证试验。结果表明:该浓度的“灭非灵”能有效清除池塘中的罗非鱼个体,清除率达到99%以上;且能将该药物对其他物种的危害降到最低,在实验过程中,未发现对池塘中的多个养殖种产生影响,取得了特异性杀除罗非鱼的效果。与以往在实验室内的验证相比,本次实验为“灭非灵”的首次大型池塘实验,证明了“灭非灵”可以用于观赏鱼养殖中尼罗罗非鱼的特异性杀灭和控制,为以后观赏鱼行业中罗非鱼的清除提供了一种新的方法,同时也为外来鱼类的防控提供了新的思路。

关键词: 小枝生物量, 冠层, 异速生长, 叶生物量, 茎构型

Abstract: Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) can cause a series of economic problems in aquaculture ponds due to its competition with other species and negative impacts on their growth and breeding. To test the killing effect of “Miefeiling” on O. niloticus and to provide scientific guide for its application, we conducted an experiment by applying 0.16 mg·L-1“Miefeiling” twice to control Nile tilapia in a big ornamental aquaculture pond. We found that the application of 0.16 mg·L-1“Miefeiling” had significant effects on the removal of Nile tilapia, with a removal rate of >99% but without any side effects on the breeding species. Our results give first evidence that “Miefeiling” can effectively remove the Nile tilapia in the pond and thus provide new insight to control tilapia species in ornamental aquaculture and to manage invasive fish species in the field.

Key words: stem configuration, leaf biomass, twig biomass, canopy, allometry