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  1. (内蒙古师范大学生命科学与技术学院, 呼和浩特 010022)
  • 出版日期:2018-07-10 发布日期:2018-07-10

The community diversity of butterflies in Jiufeng Mountain of Baotou.

WANG Xu-na, QIAN Hong-ge, BAI Xiao-shuan   

  1. (College of Life Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Huhhot 010022, China).
  • Online:2018-07-10 Published:2018-07-10


为探明包头市九峰山蝴蝶种类多样性,在该地区设置枣沟收费站(Ⅰ)、南沟门(Ⅱ)、灵应寺(Ⅲ)、枣沟公路33 km(Ⅳ)、九峰山景区(Ⅴ)5条样线进行调查。结果表明:包头市九峰山地区有蝴蝶37种,隶属于4科34属,其中包括内蒙古蝴蝶新纪录2种,大卫新灰蝶(Neolycaena davidi)和波珠弄蝶(Erynnis popoviana);蛱蝶科(Nymphalidae)的属数和物种数最丰富,为16属19种,是九峰山的优势类群;弄蝶科(Hesperiidae)的属数和种数最少,为4属4种,是九峰山的稀有类群;蛱蝶科的多样性指数和均匀度指数最高,分别为4.8803和0.8517;粉蝶科(Pieridae)的多样性指数和均匀度指数最低,分别为1.0544和0.2942,而其优势度指数最高,为0.8784;5条样线的蝴蝶多样性显示,灵应寺(Ⅲ)具有最高的科级(1.1052)、属级(2.2656)和种级多样性指数(2.2951);九峰山地区蝴蝶的物种数(25种)、多样性指数(2.3476)和物种丰富度指数(4.0297)在7月达到最高值;该地区的区系成分以古北界成分为主,计27种(72.97%),广布种10种(27.03%),无东洋种。

关键词: 微藻, 生物质能源, 微藻收获, 有机污染物, 废水生物处理

Abstract: The species diversity of butterfly in Jiufeng Mountain of Baotou was examined based on the investigation in five transect lines: (Ⅰ) Zaogou Toll gate, (Ⅱ) Nangou Gate, (Ⅲ) Lingying Temple, (Ⅳ) Zaogou Road 33 km, (Ⅴ) Jiufeng scenic area. For all the individuals of butterfly  collected, there were 37 species belonging to four families and 34 genera. Among them, Neolycaena davidiand Erynnis popoviana were first recorded in Inner Mongolia. In terms of the richness of genera and species, Nymphalidae was the dominant family, with the highest genus richness (16) and species richness (19). Hesperiidae was the rare family, with the lowest genus richness (4) and species richness (4). Nymphalidae had the highest diversity index (4.8803) and evenness index (0.8517) and Pieridae had the highest dominance index (0.8784), while Pieridae had the lowest diversity index (1.0544) and evenness index (0.2942). Among different transect lines, Lingying Temple (Ⅲ) had the highest indices of family diversity (1.1052), genus diversity (2.2656) and species diversity (2.2951). With the seasonal change, speciesnumber (25), diversity index (2.3476) and species richness (4.0297) peaked in July. Among the 37 species, 27 were Palearctic species, accounting for 72.97% of the total species; 10 were widely distributed species, responsible for 27.03% of the total species and none was Oriental species, suggesting that the butterfly fauna was mainly Palearctic in the area.

Key words: microalgae harvesting., biological wastewater treatment, biomass energy, organic pollutant, microalgae