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  1. (1西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院, 兰州 730070;2西北师范大学计算机科学与工程学院, 兰州 730070)
  • 出版日期:2018-04-10 发布日期:2018-04-10

Spatial and temporal evolution of eco-environmental quality in the oasis of Shiyang River Basin based on RSEDI.

SHI San-e1, WEI Wei1*, YANG Dong1, HU Xin1, ZHOU Jun-ju1, ZHNAG Qiang2   

  1. (1College of Geographic and Environmental Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China; 2Collage of Computer Science and Engineering, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China).
  • Online:2018-04-10 Published:2018-04-10

摘要: 以石羊河流域武威和民勤两大绿洲为研究区,分别选取1995年、2006年和2016年LandsatTM/OLI遥感影像作为数据源,通过提取沙漠化指数(DI)、概括差值植被指数(GI)、盐渍化指数(MSI)、湿度指数(WI)等评价指标,构建用于生态环境质量评估的遥感生态距离指数(RSEDI),对石羊河流域两大绿洲区进行生态环境质量分析评价。结果表明:从时间变化来看,1995—2016年,石羊河流域两大绿洲生态环境质量整体上逐年变好,RSEDI均值由1995年的5.3上升到2016年的14.8,生态恢复面积大于生态退化面积;从空间变化来看,1995—2016年,民勤绿洲生态质量整体处于恢复状态,武威绿洲区在西北方向呈恢复状态,而在东南方向以退化为主;从剖面图的变化来看,两大绿洲1995年生态质量较差且绿洲内部空间分布差异显著,2006年生态质量最差但内部差异最小,2016年生态质量最好,绿洲内部生态环境质量空间分布差异也较为明显;总体来看,石羊河流域两大绿洲生态环境质量整体较差,但经过多年治理,尤其近10年来生态环境质量向好趋势明显,说明流域治理取得了阶段性成果。

关键词: 竞争, 阔叶红松林, 关键树种, 目标树种, 采伐

Abstract: We assessed the eco-environmental quality in Wuwei and Minqin oases of Shiyang River Basin based on the Landsat TM/OLI images in 1995, 2006, and 2016. Remote sensingecological distance index (RSEDI) was used to assess the eco-environmental quality, which was calculated by several indices, including desertification index (DI), generalized difference vegetation index (GI), salinization index (SI), and wetness index (WI). The results showed that the ecological quality of Wuwei and Minqin oases was enhanced from 1995 to 2016, with the mean RSEDI increasing from 5.3 in 1995 to 14.8 in 2016. The area of ecological restoration was larger than that of ecological degradation. Spatially, the eco-environmental quality of Minqin oasis was overall in recovering mode. In contrast, the Wuwei oasis exhibited the recovering mode in the northwest region but the degrading mode in the southeast region. Among the three years examined here, the eco-environmental quality of the two oases in 1995 was poor based on the changes in profile map, with a significant spatial discrepancy. In 2006, the eco-environmental quality was the worst among the three years and its discrepancy was the least. The eco-environmental quality was the best in 2016, with significant spatial discrepancy. In general, the eco-environmental quality in the two oases of Shiyang River Basin has been significantly improved by the environmental rehabilitation in the recent decade.

Key words: target tree species, competition, selective cutting, mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest., key tree species