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  1. 1北戴河国家湿地公园, 河北秦皇岛 066000; 2中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所, 北京 100091)
  • 出版日期:2020-01-10 发布日期:2020-01-10

Acclimation of Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon) in Beidaihe wetland.

XIE Peng1*, ZHAO Hai-tong1, Liu Dong-ping2, ZHOU Liang1, ZHAO Guo-li1   

  1. (1Beidaihe National Wetland Park, Qinhuangdao 066000, Hebei, China; 2Research Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China).
  • Online:2020-01-10 Published:2020-01-10

摘要: 朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)是世界濒危物种,中国Ⅰ级重点保护动物。为了进一步扩大其种群分布范围,2018年7月将20只朱鹮从陕西洋县朱鹮救护饲养中心引入到北戴河国家湿地公园开展野化饲养。为了解朱鹮对该地模拟自然环境的野化适应效果,于2018年7—10月对朱鹮在大网笼中的行为和栖息地利用进行了观察。野化训练过程中,朱鹮在训练笼中快速获得良好的飞行技巧,飞行中能够避免碰撞野化网笼软网。持续飞行时间从观察初期的(106.8±93.4) s,增长至后期的(145.8±118.1) s。野化训练第1天,有70%个体在树上夜宿,其他个体在地面及栖杠上夜宿;30 d时间内,朱鹮全部获得树上夜宿能力。野化训练后期和前期相比,觅食时间从55.4%提高至58.3%,并显著提高了对浅水觅食地的利用率。后期显著提高了警戒行为的时间比例,并表现出对猛禽等天敌的防御反应。通过87 d的野化训练,试验个体的行为和生境利用发生较大变化并趋于稳定,表明其已基本适应了当地的新环境。为了进一步适应放飞后的野外环境多样性,建议在今后的野化训练中改变朱鹮的投食策略,增加觅食难度,并开展当地特有食物的投喂试验。

关键词: 自然群落, 光合特征, 水势, 水分利用效率, 防护林

Abstract: Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon) is one of the most endangered species in the world and a First-class National Protected Animal in China. To expand their distribution range, 20 Crested Ibises were introduced to the Beidaihe National Wetland Park in July 2018 from Yangxian Crested Ibis Breeding Center. To assess their adaptability to the simulated habitat of Beidaihe wetland, we investigated behaviors and habitat utilization of Crested Ibis in the acclimation cage from July to October 2018. During the acclimation, Crested Ibis quickly acquired flight skills to avoid collision with the net of the cage. The average flight duration increased from 106.8±93.4 s at the earlier stage to 145.8±118.1 s in the later stage. In the first day of the acclimation, 70% of the individuals nocturnally roosted on trees, while the rest on grassland or artificial roost bars. All Crested Ibis acquired the ability to roost on trees within 30 days of acclimation. Compared with the early stage, foraging time increased from 55.4% to 58.3%, and the percentage in the utilization of shallow water significantly increased in the later period. The alert time significantly increased in the later stage and showed a defensive response to predators such as raptors. After 87 days of acclimation, the behavior and habitat utilization of the individuals changed greatly and tended to be stable, indicating an adaptation to the new habitat. For the acclimation of the Crested Ibis, feeding method should be improved to increase the difficulty of foraging and feeding experiment of locally specific food should be conducted.

Key words: photosynthetic characteristic, water use efficiency, natural community, shelterbelt, water potential