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  1. (1河北省林业调查规划设计院, 石家庄 050051; 2河北农业大学林学院, 河北保定 071000; 3河北雾灵山国家级自然保护区管理局,河北兴隆  067300)
  • 出版日期:2017-10-10 发布日期:2017-10-10

Effects of light conditions on the growth characteristics and photosynthetic traits of Quercus mongolica seedlings.

LI Dong-sheng1,2, BAI Qing-hong1, LI Yong-jie1, XU Zhong-qi2*, YU Hai-tao3#br#   

  1. (1 Hebei Forestry Survey and Design Institute, Shijiazhuang 050051, China; 2 Forestry College, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071000, Hebei, China; 3 Wuling Mountain National Nature Reserve, Xinglong 067300, Hebei, China).
  • Online:2017-10-10 Published:2017-10-10



关键词: 纳污能力, 泾河, 城镇排污模型, 允许排污量

Abstract: In order to study the growth process of Quercus mongolica seedlings under different light conditions, a controlled experiment was conducted under four light intensity treatments, including full sun light (FS), light shade (LS), medium shade (MS) and severe shade (SS). The morphological characteristics, photosynthetic traits and biomass allocation of Q. mongolica seedlings were measured. The results show that: (1) Specific leaf area under medium shade and severe shade was significantly greater than that under full sun light and light shade. No significant differences in seedling height were found among the different light conditions. The basal diameter under full sun light was significantly greater than that under medium shade and severe shade. The main root length was similar to the root diameter; both were bigger under full sun light than under the other three shade conditions, and were bigger under light shade and medium shade than under severe shade. (2) The maximum net photosynthetic rate under four light conditions showed a pattern of light shade > full sun light > medium shade > severe shade. The apparent quantum efficiency under full sun light and light shade were significantly higher than that under medium shade and severe shade. There was no significant difference in the dark respiratory rate among different light conditions. (3) Both total biomass and root biomass were the highest under full sun light, followed by under light shade and medium shade, and lowest under severe shade. There were little differences in leaf biomass and stem biomass; the biomass of different organs was in order of root > leaf > stem, and the proportions of root biomass ranged 68%-76%. The rootshoot ratio under full sun light, light shade and medium shade were bigger than that under severe shade.

Key words: municipal pollution discharge model, permissible pollution bearing capacity, Jinghe River., permissible pollution discharge