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  1. (1西南大学地理科学学院, 重庆 400715; 2中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院, 重庆 400714)
  • 出版日期:2017-03-10 发布日期:2017-03-10

Developing and optimizing ecological networks for the towns along the Three Gorges Reservoir: A case of Kaizhou New Town, Chongqing.

JIA Zhen-yi1,2, CHEN Chun-di2*, TONG Xiao-xiao2, WU Sheng-jun2, ZHOU Wen-zuo1#br#   

  1. (1School of Geographical Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China; 2 Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing 400714, China).
  • Online:2017-03-10 Published:2017-03-10

摘要: 生境破碎化是城市生物多样性保护和生态系统完整性面临的主要威胁。构建生态网络,提高生境斑块间的连接水平,可以有效缓解城市生态环境问题。在当前三峡库区快速城镇化、栖息地破碎与部分生境消失不可避免的背景下,本文以库区开州新城为例,从有利于乡土树种扩散定居过程为切入点,以GIS技术为支撑,应用最小费用模型模拟潜在路径,构建城市生态网络;并结合图论功能连接度指数验证网络连接的最优阈值,评价并划分斑块/连接的重要等级,从而确定新城栖息地/廊道保护、恢复的优先顺序。本研究筛选得到75个生境源斑块;乡土树枫杨种子传播的最远距离300 m是网络模拟、评价的适宜阈值。在该距离条件下,识别出98条路径连接,其中重要性高的路径主要分布在澎溪河汉丰湖沿岸,包括规划院附属绿地与湖滨公园连接,跨江高速大桥两侧的湖滨绿地连接;若这两条连接被移除,网络整体连接度将下降19.1%。此外,研究发现,网络路径连接的重要性与其两端的斑块重要性不存在显著相关,但与斑块所处的空间位置及其自身形状特征有关。针对网络现状与模拟空白区存在的问题,本文提出了相应的网络优化对策。研究结果可为三峡库区城市/镇开展生态网络规划提供参考依据。

Abstract: Habitat fragmentation and loss have become the major threats to local biodiversity protection and regional ecosystem integrity. Developing urban ecological networks and improving connectivity between habitats could facilitate energy and matter fluxes, species dispersal, genetic exchange and many other ecological processes, and further relieve the ecological environmental crisis in cities. With rapid urbanization in the Three Gorges Reservoir region, natural area fragmentation and habitat loss are inevitable. Taking Kaizhou New Town as an example, our study built the urban ecological networks by leastcost path modeling and GIS technology in order to facilitate the establishment of native tree species. The best threshold for urban ecological networks was obtained by the verification from graph theory functioning index. Finally, the priority of habitat protection and restoration was determined after evaluating the importance grades of patches/connectivities. We set a native tree, Pterocarya stenoptera as a surrogate species and used the habitat suitability assessment values to build the cost surface for leastcost model by Linkage Mapper Toolist. The observed maximum seed dispersal distance (300 m) of P. stenoptera was used as the distance threshold for network analysis. 75 target patches were selected as habitat sources to develop networks. Under the 300 m distance threshold, 98 links were simulated for the network, and were grouped into six grades according to their importance values. We found the links with higher importance values almost all existed along the bank between the Pengxi River and Hanfeng Lake. Among these, the most important link was between Hanfeng Lake Park and Kaizhou Planning Institute; the second important link was located on both sides of the highway bridge over the Pengxi River. The integral index of connectivity of the whole landscape would be reduced by 19.1% if the two links were removed. Additionally, we found that the importance of the link was not significantly correlated with the important values of the two patches that the link connected. Link importance may also relate to the shape and spatial location of patches. Based on these results, we proposed some network improvement strategies. This study combined leastcost path analysis and a graphtheoretical algorithm and provided a scientific, reliable reference for planning and construction of urban ecological networks.