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车荣晓1, 2,邓永翠3,吴伊波4,张静1,王芳1,唐立1,2,李林峰1,马双1,刘瀚科1,赵星1,王艳芬1,郝彦宾1,崔骁勇1*   

  1. 1中国科学院大学, 北京 100049; 2格里菲斯大学, 布里斯班 4111; 3南京师范大学, 南京 210023; 4宁波大学, 浙江宁波 315211)
  • 出版日期:2017-01-10 发布日期:2017-01-10

Relationships between biological nitrogen fixation and available nitrogen at scales from molecular to community level.

CHE Rong-xiao1,2, DENG Yong-cui3, WU Yi-bo4, ZHANG Jing1, WANG Fang1, TANG Li1,2, LI Lin-feng1, MA Shuang1, LIU Han-ke1, ZHAO Xing1, WANG Yan-fen1, HAO Yan-bin1, CUI Xiao-yong1*#br#   

  1. (1University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 2Griffith University, Brisbane 4111, Australia; 3Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China; 4Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, Zhejiang, China).
  • Online:2017-01-10 Published:2017-01-10

摘要: 在当前全球生态系统人为氮素投入激增的背景下,明确生物固氮与有效氮的关系对生态系统氮收支的估算及施肥策略的优化等具有重要的指导意义。本文综述了关于有效氮在分子、个体和群落尺度对生物固氮影响的研究,并对3个尺度的研究进行了比较。我们发现,当前分子、个体尺度的相关研究更为系统,但严重受限于固氮菌的培养;群落尺度的研究虽采用非培养技术开展,研究效率相对更高,但针对固氮基因表达的研究却十分匮乏,研究体系急待完善。据此,未来的研究应更多地关注有效氮在群落尺度对固氮基因表达的调控,并着重于完善群落尺度生物固氮的研究体系。

Abstract: As the anthropogenic nitrogen input to the global ecosystem is experiencing an unprecedented rise, quantifying the relationships between biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) and available nitrogen is not only essential to estimating ecosystem nitrogen budgets, but also crucial to optimizing fertilization strategies. In this paper, research results on the effects of available nitrogen on BNF at scales from molecular, individual, to community level, were synthesized and compared. We found that the studies at molecular and individual scales are more systematic than communityscale studies, but are severely limited by the cultivability of diazotrophs; while the studies at the community scale employed the cultureindependent methods, and thus are more efficient. However, at the community scale, very few studies focused on the expression of nitrogenase genes, and the study system is still far from perfect. Therefore, future studies should pay more attention to the regulation of available nitrogen on the nitrogenase gene expression at community scale, with special emphasis on improving the communityscale research system of BNF.