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  1. (北京林业大学经济管理学院, 北京 100083)
  • 出版日期:2014-11-10 发布日期:2014-11-10

Analysis of sustainable utilization of water resource in Liaoning Province based on ecological footprint model.

ZHOU Yue, XIE Yi**   

  1. (College of Economics and Management, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China)
  • Online:2014-11-10 Published:2014-11-10

摘要: 运用水资源生态足迹模型,从时间和空间两个维度对辽宁省水资源生态盈亏和用水效率进行研究,并将研究结果与其他省份及其他方法的研究结果做了比较。时间维度研究结果表明,2000—2012年期间,仅2010年人均水资源账户生态盈余,其他年份均生态赤字,水资源利用不可持续;人均水资源生态足迹主要受农业用水足迹影响,人均水资源生态承载力与降水量呈显著正相关;用水效率逐年提高,有助于缓解水资源危机。空间维度研究结果表明,2011年仅丹东呈水资源生态盈余,其他13个地级市均为生态赤字;经济发达地区用水效率普遍高于经济欠发达地区,农业发达地区水资源生态赤字严重且用水效率偏低。对比分析表明,2007年辽宁省水资源生态足迹显著高于河北、四川和浙江省。建议加大水资源生态承载力、减少水资源生态足迹并削弱区域水资源不平衡等,推动辽宁省水资源的可持续利用。

关键词: 存活率, 石榴品种, 发育历期, 繁殖, 生命表参数, 井上蛀果斑螟

Abstract: This paper applied ecological footprint model to investigate water ecological surplus or deficit and water use efficiency in Liaoning Province from spatial and temporal dimensions. Results from temporal dimension study indicated that, during 2000-2012, water resource ecological surplus only occurred in 2010 and were in ecological deficit in the other years, which suggested that water resource utilization was not sustainable during the study period. We also found that water resource ecological footprint per capita was mainly determined by agricultural water footprint, and water resource ecological carrying capacity per capita was significantly positively correlated with rainfall. Results also suggested that water use efficiency has been enhanced continuously, which facilitates to alleviate water resource crisis. Spatial dimension study results demonstrated that all cities in Liaoning Province were under water ecological deficit except Dandong City in 2011. In terms of water use efficiency, the economically developed areas were more efficient than the less developed areas on average. Lower water use efficiency was also found in the agriculturally developed areas where higher ecological deficits existed. Comparative analysis showed that water resource footprint in Liaoning Province was significantly higher than in Hebei, Sichuan and Zhejiang provinces. We suggest that, to promote sustainable water resource utilization, it is important to improve water resource ecological carrying capacity, reduce water ecological footprint and fix regional water imbalance.

Key words: developmental duration, Assara inouei Yamanaka, fecundity, pomegranate variety, life table parameter, survival rate