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  1. (华南农业大学林学院, 林木健康诊断和保护技术研究中心, 广州 510642)
  • 出版日期:2013-12-10 发布日期:2013-12-10

Active components and structural features of insect sex pheromones in Pyraloidea.

MA Tao, ZHANG Meng, ZHU Xue-jiao, YANG Xing-cui, LI Yi-zhen, WEN Xiu-jun**   

  1. (Research Centre for Health Diagnosis and Protection Techniques of Woody Plants, College of Forestry, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China).
  • Online:2013-12-10 Published:2013-12-10

摘要: 螟蛾总科昆虫目前已记录15576种,很多是重要农林类害虫。这些害虫的大面积危害给农林生产造成了严重的经济损失。昆虫性信息素具有高效、环保、特异性强等特点,在螟蛾总科害虫综合治理(IPM)中具有重要的应用价值。到目前为止,全世界已弄清174种螟蛾总科害虫的昆虫性信息素活性组分,鉴定出107种化合物,其中醋酸酯38种、醇类22种、醛类30种、烃类4种和芳香化合物13种,均为结构较为简单的有机化合物,碳链长度多在C12-C18之间,这些性信息素组分在各亚科,尤其是属种之间重叠率高,有些组分甚至出现在多种昆虫中;同属不同种的性信息素组分在结构上相似度更大;甚至一些种的性信息素组分完全相同,只是比例不同。对已研究的螟蛾总科昆虫性信息素组分进行系统比较和分析,可为今后进一步鉴定其他螟蛾性信息素组分提供依据,加快我国螟蛾性信息素组分鉴定和应用的进程。

Abstract: At present, a total of 15576 species in Pyraloidea have been recorded, and many of them are the important agricultural and forest pests. Large areas are infested by these species, giving rise to the serious economic losses in agriculture and forestry. Characterized by high efficiency, environmental protection effect, and specificity, the insect sex pheromones have important application values in the integrated management of Pyraloidea pests. So far, the active components of the sex pheromones in 174 Pyraloidea pest species are understood, and 107 compounds are identified, among which, there are 38 acetates, 22 alcohols, 30 aldehydes, 4 hydrocarbons, and 13 aromatics. These compounds are simpler in structure, with a carbon length of C12 to C18. These pheromone components have a high overlapping ratio between the subfamilies, especially between the genera and the species. Some of the components are found in many insects. The sex pheromone components of different species in the same genus are very similar in structure, and even, the sex pheromone components in some species are identical, but in different proportions. To make a systematic comparison and analysis on the known sex pheromone components of Pyraloidea can provide evidence for the further identification of the sex pheromone components of other Pyraloidea species, and promote the identification and application of the sex pheromone components in Pyraloidea in China.