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  1. 1西南林业大学园林学院, 昆明 650224;2中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 云南勐仑 666303;3中国科学院哀牢山亚热带森林生态系统研究站, 云南景东 676200)
  • 出版日期:2020-03-10 发布日期:2020-03-10

Effects of canopy openness on seedling regeneration of Machilus bombycina after a snow damage.

FENG Li1,2, CHEN Si2,3, XIA Shang-wen2, WANG Bo2*   

  1. (1Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China; 2Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Menglun 666303, Yunnan, China; 3Ailaoshan Station for Subtropical Forest Ecosystem Studies, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jingdong 676200, Yunnan, China).
  • Online:2020-03-10 Published:2020-03-10

摘要: 幼苗更新是森林更新的关键过程,而林窗对于植物幼苗更新、生长及最终存活具有重要影响。极端气候事件会使森林在短时间内形成大量林窗,从而显著影响林内幼苗更新和存活。本研究以2015年雪灾后云南省哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林优势种黄心树(Machilus bombycina)幼苗为对象,对194个1 m×1 m样方中的幼苗生长和死亡动态进行为期4年的监测,利用线性混合模型(LMM)和广义线性混合模型(GLMM),分析林冠开阔度对幼苗高度相对生长率、叶片相对增长率、新增率和死亡率的影响,研究了雪灾干扰后的林冠开阔度对植物幼苗更新的影响。结果表明:(1)林冠开阔度随时间推移逐渐变小(20.07%~9.97%),且速度由快到慢;(2)2015—2016年,已有幼苗高度相对生长率与林冠开阔度呈显著正相关(P<0.05),其余年份两者间无显著相关性;2016—2017年已有幼苗叶片相对增长率与林冠开阔度呈显著正相关(P<0.05),其余年份两者间无显著相关性;(3)林冠开阔度与幼苗新增率和死亡率均无显著相关性。本研究表明,雪灾后造成的林冠开阔度增加有利于黄心树幼苗生长。

Abstract: Seedling recruitment is a key process in forest regeneration. Canopy openness plays an important role in seedling establishment, growth and survival, especially after extreme climate events. In this study, we monitored the seedling recruitment dynamics of a dominant tree species Machilus bombycina with 194 plots (1 m×1 m) over four consecutive years after a snow damage event that happened in January 2015, in a mid-mountain moist evergreen broadleaved forest in Ailaoshan, Yunnan Province. The effects of canopy openness on the seedling growth, recruitment rate and mortality rate were analyzed by Linear Mixed Model (LMM) and Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM). Our results showed that: (1) canopy openness decreased quickly especially in the first year after the snow damage, from 20.07% to 9.97%; (2) the relative increase rate of existing seedlings’ height was positively correlated to canopy openness during 2015-2016 (P<0.05), but not in other years; the relative growth rate of existing seedlings’ leaves was positively correlated to canopy openness during 2016-2017, but not in other years; (3) canopy openness did not correlate with either seedling recruitment rate or mortality rate. Overall, our findings indicated that the increases of canopy openness after snow damage benefited the growth of M. bombycina seedlings.