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生态学杂志 ›› 2011, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (03): 558-563.

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


李景柱1,2,3,郅军锐1,2**, 盖海涛1,2   

  1. 1贵州山地农业病虫害重点实验室| 贵阳 550025;2贵州大学昆虫研究所| 贵阳 550025; 3河北省张北县林业局| 河北张北 076450
  • 出版日期:2011-03-08 发布日期:2011-03-08

Effects of host plants and temperature on Frankliniella occidentalis growth and development.

LI Jing-zhu1,2,3, ZHI Jun-rui1,2**, GAI Hai-tao1,2   

  1. 1The Provincial Key Laboratory for Agricultural Pest Management of Mountainous Region, Guiyang 550025, China|2Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China|3Forestry Bureau of Zhangbei County, Hebei Province, Zhangbei 076450, Hebei, China
  • Online:2011-03-08 Published:2011-03-08

摘要: 研究了4种豆科寄主植物及5个不同温度处理对西花蓟马生长发育的影响,并对各虫态的发育起点温度和有效积温进行了分析。结果表明:同一温度条件下,西花蓟马取食不同豆科寄主植物时,各虫态的发育历期差异显著,但不同温度下不同寄主处理间的差异性不同;西花蓟马的未成熟期取食四季豆叶片时发育最快,取食蚕豆叶片时发育最慢,两寄主间存在显著差异;取食同一寄主植物时,不同温度处理下,西花蓟马各虫态的发育历期差异显著,且随温度升高历期缩短,发育速率和温度之间为直线关系;西花蓟马各虫态在不同寄主植物上的发育起点温度和有效积温各不相同,未成熟期取食蚕豆叶片时发育起点温度最低为6.35 ℃,但需要的有效积温最高为331.36日度。

关键词: 舟山渔场, 渔业资源, 利用现状

Abstract: This paper studied the effects of four leguminous host plants and five temperature regimes on the growth and development of Frankliniella occidentalis, and analyzed the start temperature for F. occidentalis development and the effective accumulative temperature for this thrips at its different development stages. At the same temperature regimes, there was a significant difference in the development of F. occidentalis feeding on different host plants, and at different temperature regimes, this difference was not the same. The development of immature F. occidentalis was the fastest when feeding on Phaseolus vulgaris, while the slowest when feeding on Vicia faba, with a significant difference between them. The development of the thrips at each development stage decreased with increasing temperature, and there was a linear relationship between the developmental rate and temperature. The start temperature for F. occidentalis development and the effective accumulative temperature for this thrips at its different development stages differed with host plants, being the lowest (6.35 ℃) and the highest (331.36 degree-days) for the immature F. occidentalis on V. faba, respectively.

Key words: Zhoushan fishing ground, Fishery resources, Utilization situation