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  1. (北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院, 广东深圳 518055)
  • 出版日期:2019-02-10 发布日期:2019-02-10

Review on pollution ecological environmental effects of coastal zone in China.

SHI Ge, ZENG Hui, CHANG Wen-jing*   

  1. (Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University, Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong, China).
  • Online:2019-02-10 Published:2019-02-10

摘要: 本文从海岸带污染生态环境效应研究的阶段性特点、工作区域特征、重点研究介质、重点污染物类型等方面对我国1987—2017年30年间针对大陆沿海地区的相关研究进行了分析和总结。结果显示,2000年之前我国该领域研究较为零散,全面性和系统性不足。此后以2007年为界,分为前期各类研究均衡增长和后期以痕量毒害污染物为主两个阶段;重点研究区选择以快速城市化和工业化岸线区域、河口及海湾地区为主;研究介质主要以沉积物、生物和水体为主。目前研究的广度和深度存在不足,缺乏基础数据的广泛监测和长期积累,缺少关键生态环境问题的分区界定和分类管控;今后需要深化重点污染物的源汇过程特征研究,加强从城市规划的根源层面进行理论与实践相结合的政策与技术体系建设。

关键词: 杨树, 无性系, P营养效率, 根际酸化作用, 根际有效磷

Abstract: We reviewed literatures related to eco-environmental effects of human activities in the coastal areas of China over the past 30 years (1987-2017) from aspects of characteristics of eco-environmental effects over different stages, characteristics of the study areas, characteristics of the research media, and characteristics of the key pollutants. The results showed that research in this field was not systematic and comprehensive before 2000. Afterwards, the changes of research foci in this field could be assigned into two stages, i.e., rapid growth of various researches during 2001-2007 and focusing on heavy metals and organic toxic pollutants after that. Most of the selected study areas in the literatures located in the coastal regions, estuaries and bays with rapid urbanization and industrialization. The studied pollution media mainly included sediments, organisms, and water. Overall, the depth and extent of the reviewed studies were insufficient, and there was lack of longterm monitoring data. Moreover, geographic identifications and management of different types of key eco-environmental problems were missing in the previous studies. In the future, the characteristics of sources and sinks of key pollutants also need to be further studied. Theoretical and applied researches focusing on policies and technical system constructions need to be strengthened from urban planning perspective.

Key words: Poplar, Clone, Phosphorus efficiency, Rhizosphere acidification, Available phosphorus in rhizo-sphcre